Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
dIrecTIOnAL verbS

When using a directional verb, verb-not-verb yes–no questions may take one of the following
forms. Mandarin speakers differ in their preferences for these forms. When using the affirmative
statement + 没有/沒有 méi yǒu form, the destination location (presented here in square brack-
ets) is often omitted.了 le does not occur in the 有没有/有沒有 yǒu méi yǒu form.

affirmative statement + 没有/沒有 méi yǒu
Tā bǎ shū dōu náhuí [túshūguǎn] qù le méi yǒu?
Did she take all of the books back (to the library)?

subject + 有没有/有沒有 yǒu méi yǒu + predicate
Tā yǒu méi yǒu bǎ shū dōu náhuí túshūguǎn qù?
Did she take all of the books back to the library?

To ask a verb-not-verb yes–no question about a directional expression in potential form, use
the following structure
topic (object in sentence initial position) + subject +
affirmative potential + negative potential

Zhème gāo de shān, nǐ shàngdeqù shàngbuqù?
A mountain this high, can you climb (up) it?

19.7 directional verbs and directional suffixes with figurative

or idiomatic meaning

考上 kǎoshàng (directional verb) ‘pass an entrance exam and move up to the next level’
Tā kǎoshàng dàxué le.
She passed the college entrance exam.

考上 kǎoshàng is often used in the potential form.
Q: 你想他今年考得上考不上大学?
Nǐ xiǎng tā jīnnián kǎodeshàng kǎobushàng dàxué?
Do you think he can pass the entrance examination and be admitted to
college this year?

A: 他是一个好学生,我想他考得上。
Tā shì yī gè hǎo xuésheng, wǒ xiǎng tā kǎodeshàng.
He is a good student; I think he can pass the college examinations.
下去 xiàqù (directional suffix). In addition to its literal meaning ‘go down,’ 下去 xiàqù is also
used to contribute the meaning ‘continue to (do the verb).’

说下去/說下去 shuōxiàqù ‘keep talking’
看下去 kànxiàqù ‘keep reading’
做下去 zuòxiàqù ‘keep doing’
活下去 huóxiàqù ‘go on living’
听下去/聽下去 tīngxiàqù ‘keep listening’
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