Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

directional verbs and directional suffixes with figurative or idiomatic meaning

起來 qǐlái (directional suffix). In addition to its literal meaning ‘rise up,’ 起來 qǐlái conveys
the meaning ‘begin to do the action of the verb.’

唱起来 chàngqǐlai ‘begin to sing’
哭起来 kūqǐlái ‘begin to cry’
打起来 dǎqǐlái ‘begin to fight’

V-起來 qǐlái can also serve on pairs of verbs to indicate contrast.

Zhōngguó cài, chīqǐlái hěn róngyì, zuòqǐlái hěn nán.
Chinese food is easy to eat but hard to cook.

C 41

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