Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
exPreSSiNG kNoWledGe, adViCe, aNd oPiNioNS

Conversation 3

Q: 你认识中国字吗? A: 我认识,可是我不知道怎么写。
你認識中國字嗎? 我認識,可是我不知道怎麼寫。
Nǐ rènshi Zhōngguó zì ma? Wǒ rènshi, kěshì wǒ bù zhīdao
zěnme xiě.
Do you know Chinese characters? I recognize them, but I don’t
know how to write them.

Do not say Do not say

*你知道中国字吗? *我知道,可是我不认识怎么写。
你知道中國字嗎? 我知道,可是我不認識怎麼寫。
Nǐ zhīdao Zhōngguó zì ma? Wǒ zhīdao, kěshì wǒ bù rènshi
zěnme xiě.
Conversation 4

Q: 请问,到图书馆怎么走? A: 对不起,我不认识路。
請問,到圖書館怎麼走? 對不起,我不認識路。
Qǐngwèn, dào túshūguǎn zěnme zǒu? Duìbuqǐ, wǒ bù rènshi lù.
Excuse me, how do you go to the library? Sorry, I don’t know the way.

54.1.2 expressing knowledge with 会/會 huì

One meaning conveyed by the modal verb 会/會 huì is that of ability associated with
knowledge. In the following sentences, 会/會 huì means to be able to or to know.
Q: 你会说英文吗? A: 我会说一点儿。
你會說英文嗎? 我會說一點兒。
Nǐ huì shuō Yīngwén ma? Wǒ huì shuō yīdiǎr.
Do you speak English? I can speak a little.

Q: 你会不会开车? A: 我十八岁就会开车了。
你會不會開車? 我十八歲就會開車了。
Nǐ huì bù huì kāi chē? Wǒ shíbā suì jiù huì kāi chē le.
Do you know how to drive? I have known how to drive since
I was eighteen.

Q: 美国人都会跳舞吧? A: 不一定。我就不会。
美國人都會跳舞吧? 不一定。我就不會。
Měiguórén dōu huì tiào wǔ ba? Bù yīdìng. Wǒ jiù bù huì.
All Americans know how to dance,

Not necessarily. I for one cannot


54.2 Advice and opinions

54.2.1 requesting and giving advice and opinions

To give your opinion or your advice, or to ask another for their opinion or advice, use these
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