Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
exPreSSiNG GratitUde aNd reSPoNdiNG to exPreSSioNS oF GratitUde

61.1.2 indirect expressions of gratitude

To express gratitude without saying ‘thank you,’ use the following expressions:
Tài máfan nǐ le.
This caused you too much trouble. (I’ve troubled you too much.)

Tài xīnkǔ le.
Xīnkǔ nǐ le.
This was really a lot of work for you.
Zhēn bù hǎo yìsi.
I’m really embarrassed (to have caused you trouble).

61.2 Replying to expressions of gratitude

In Chinese, it is considered presumptuous or rude to accept compliments, praise, and expressions
of gratitude. Chinese does not have an expression equivalent to ‘you’re welcome’ in English.
Common appropriate responses to expressions of gratitude include the following:

不谢。 没事。 没什么。
不謝。 沒事。 沒甚麼。
Bù xiè. Méi shì. Méi shénme.
Don’t thank me. It wasn’t anything. It wasn’t anything.
(It was nothing.) (It was nothing.)

不客气。 不必客气。 你太客气了。
不客氣。 不必客氣。 你太客氣了。
Bù kèqi. Bù bì kèqi. Nǐ tài kèqi le.
Don’t be polite. Don’t be polite. You are too polite.

哪里。 哪儿的话?
哪裏。 哪兒的話?
Nǎlǐ. Nǎr de huà
It was nothing. What kind of talk is that?
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