Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


there is, there exists 有 yǒu 11.6, 29.3, 47.2
therefore 所以 suǒyǐ 44.1
this/these 这/這 zhè, zhèi 5.1, 7.2, 9.1
tì 替 ‘for, on behalf of’ 14.2.6
tiāntiān 天天 ‘every day’ 35.2, 46.3.3
time when
‘duration’ and ‘time when’ compared 39.1.3
emphasizing ‘time when’ a situation occurs
and focusing constructions 57.2
position of ‘time when’ phrases in the sentence
4.5, 49.1.5
relative order of ‘time when’ and ‘location’ 4.6
titles 22.3
prepositions that indicate action toward a
reference point 对/對 duì ‘to, toward,’
向 xiàng ‘toward’ 14.2.2
prepositions that indicate movement to or
toward a reference point 到 dào ‘to,’
往 wǎng, ‘toward’ 14.2.4
prepositions that indicate transfer of an object
to someone or something 给/給 gěi ‘to,
for’ 14.2.5
tone changes 1.1.3, 2.3, 2.4, 31.3
tone sandhi (see tone changes)
tones 1.1.3, 1.2.1, 2.3, 2.4
tóng 同 ‘and, with’ 16.1.3, 16.1.4, 33.1.1
tóngshí 同时/同時 ‘at the same time’ 43.2.2
topic and topicalization
formal development of the topic 25.11
introducing a topic 57.1
position of topic in the sentence 4.1
traditional characters 3.1
transitive verbs Glossary of Grammatical terms

under 下头/下頭 xiàtou (下面 xiàmiàn)
unless 除非 chúfēi 45.4

verb complements (complements)
of degree 10.3
of direction 19, 48.8
of manner 31.3
of potential 18.6, 19.5, 32.2
of result 18, 32.1
see also Glossary of Grammatical Terms
verb phrase
negation of action verbs 13.3
negation of stative verbs 11.1
negation of modal verbs 12.6.1
negation of adjectival verbs 10.1
relative order of verbs, objects, and
prepositional phrases 4.2, 4.3, 4.4,
Glossary of Grammatical Terms
verb repetition (see repeating the verb)

verbs (see action verbs, adjectival verbs, stative
verbs, modal verbs)
verbs that function as prepositions 14.3
verb suffix 了 le (see perfective aspect with 了 le)
verb suffix 过/過 guo (see experiential aspect
with 过/過 guo)

wàitou 外头/外頭 (外面 wàimiàn) ‘out, outside’
wǎng, wáng 往 ‘toward’ 14.2.4, 48.1.1, 48.2
we 咱们/咱們 zánmen (inclusive) 5.2, 5.2.2, 我
们/我們 (exclusive or neutral) 5.2
weak obligations (see should)
weak prohibitions (see should not)
weather 30.8
weeks 礼拜/禮拜 lǐbài , 星期 xīngqī 49.2.3, ‘this
week’ 34.1, ‘every week’ 35.1, ‘next week’
worry, expressing 55
word order (see phrase order)
wéi 为/為 ‘for/on behalf of’ 14.2.8
wéihé 为何/為何 ‘for what reason, why?’ 44.4
wéi le 为了/為了 ‘because of, for the sake of’ 44.2
wèi shénme 为什么/為甚麼 ‘why?’ 28.6, 44.4
welcoming a guest (see guest and host)
west 西 xī (西面 xīmiàn, 西边/西邊 xībiān)
what? (question word) 什么/甚麼 shénme 28.6
what is? 何为/何為 héwéi 28.6
when? (question word) 什么时候/甚麼時候
shénme shíhòu, 何时/何時 héshí 28.6
when (simulltaneous situations) 的时候 de shíhou
39.3, 43.1
when, by the time that 等 děng, 等到 děngdào 43.5
whenever 什么时候/甚麼時候 shénme shíhòu +
都 dōu or 也 yě 46.4.1
where 哪儿/哪兒 nǎr, 哪里/哪裏 nǎlǐ, 什么
地方/甚麼地方 shénme dìfang 28.6
wherever (anywhere) 哪儿/哪兒 nǎr + 都 dōu or
也 yě (哪里/哪裏 nǎli + 都 dōu or 也 yě,
什么地方/甚麼地方 shénme dìfang +
都 dōu or 也 yě) 46.4.1
which? 哪 nǎ, něi, 5.1, 7.4, 9.1, 28.6
who 谁/誰 shéi? 28.6
why? 为什么/為甚麼 wèi shénme, 何必 hébì, 何
故 hégù, 28.6
why not? 何妨 héfáng 28.6
adverbs that express willingness to perform an
action 31.3
verbs that express willingness 36.4, 53.4
word 2
wú 無 literary marker of negation 27.5
wú xū 无须/無須 ‘need not, do not have to’
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