Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Modification by intensifiers

10.2 Yes–no questions with adjectival verbs

Adjectival verbs can occur in yes–no questions formed by 吗/嗎 ma or the verb-not-verb
Nàge xuéxiào dà ma?
Is that school big?

Nàge xuéxiào dà bù dà?
Is that school big?

10.3 Modification by intensifiers

Adjectival verbs can be modified by intensifiers. Most intensifiers precede the adjectival

Intensifier Intensifier + adjectival verb
很 very 很好 be very good
hěn hěn hǎo

真 really 真好 be really good
zhēn zhēn hǎo
比较/比較 rather 比较好/比較好 be rather good
bǐjiào bǐjiào hǎo

相当/相當 quite 相当好/相當好 be quite good
xiāngdāng xiāngdāng hǎo
特別 especially 特別好 be especially good
tèbié tèbié hǎo

非常 extremely 非常好 be extremely good
fēicháng fēicháng hǎo
尤其 especially 尤其好 be especially good
yóuqí yóuqí hǎo

极其/極其 extremely 极其好/極其好 be extremely good
jíqí jíqí hǎo
太 too 太好 be too good
tài tài hǎo

更 more 更好 be even better
gèng gèng hǎo
最 most 最好 be best
zuì zuì hǎo
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