Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

běimiàn 北面 N same as 北边 běibian
bèi 备 TRAD 備 V prepare
bèifèn 备份 N reserve, spare
bèiwànglù 备忘录 [modif: 备 prepare + 忘 forget + 录 record] N memorandum, memo
bèi 背 I N back (of the body) 背痛 bèitòng backache / 手背 shǒubèi the back of the hand II V turn away, leave
bèibāo 背包 N backpack
bèijǐng 背景 N background 家庭背景 jiātíng bèijǐng family background
bèipàn 背叛 V betray
bèisòng 背诵 V repeat from memory
bèi 贝 TRAD 貝 N shellfish
bèiké 贝壳 N shell (of shellfish)
bèi 狈 N a kind of wolf with short forelegs
bèi 被 PREP by (introducing the doer of an action) ■ 花瓶被小明打破了。Huāpíng bèi Xiǎo Míng dǎ pò
le. The vase was broken by Xiao Ming. ■ 他被 人欺负了。Tā bèi rén qīfu le. He was bullied by
bèidòng 被动 ADJ passive 被动式 bèidòngshì (in grammar) the passive voice / 被动吸烟 bèidòng xīyān passive
bèigào(rén) 被告(人) N defendant
bèizi 被子 N quilt, blanket (条 tiáo) ■ 冬天出太阳 的时候,很多中国人喜欢晒被子。Dōngtiān chū
tàiyang de shíhou, hěn duō Zhōngguórén xǐhuan shài bèizi. Many Chinese like to sun quilts when
it’s sunny in winter. (→ On sunny winter days, many Chinese like to air their quilts.)
bèi 倍 MEASURE WORD fold, time ■ 这个学校的学生 人数比我们学校多一倍。(这个学校的学生人数 是
我们学校的两倍。) Zhège xuéxiào de xuésheng rénshù bǐ wǒmen xuéxiào duō yí bèi. (Zhège
xuéxiào de xuésheng rénshù shì wǒmen xuéxiào de liǎng bèi.) The student number of this school is
twice as big as that of our school. (→ The student population of this school is twice of ours.)
bèi 辈 N people of the same generation (See zhǎngbèi 长辈.)
bēn 奔 V run fast
bēnbō 奔波 V be busy running about
bēnchí 奔驰 [comp:奔 run fast + 驰 run, gallop] V (of animals and vehicles) run fast, speed
běn 本¹ N capital, principal 赔本 péi běn lose one’s capital in investments or other business dealings
běn 本² MEASURE WORD (for books, magazines, etc.) 一本书 yì běn shū a book
běn 本³ ADJ this one, one’s own

NOTE: 本 běn in  the sense   of  this    one is  only    used    on  formal  occasions.  ■ 本店春节照常营业。Běn  diàn    chūnjié
zhàocháng yíngyè. This store will do business as usual during the Spring Festival. (→ We’ll be open
during the Chinese New Year.)

běndì 本地 [modif: 本 this + 地 place] N this locality ■ 我向你介绍一个本地的名菜。Wǒ xiàng nǐ
jièshao yí ge běndì de míngcài. I’ll recommend you a famous dish of this town.
běnkē 本科 N undergraduate course 本科生 běnkēshēng an undergraduate
běnlái 本来 ADV originally, at first ■ 这个旅馆本 来是一个富商的家。Zhège lǚguǎn běnlái shì yí ge fù
shāng de jiā. This hotel was originally a rich merchant’s residence. ■ 我本来不想去看电影,他
一定要我去,我就去了。Wǒ běnlái bù xiǎng qù kàn diànyǐng, tā yídìng yào wǒ qù, wǒ jiù qù le.
At first I did not want to go to see the movie, but he insisted I should go, so I went with him.
běnlǐng 本领 N skill, ability, capability ■ 他已 经二十多岁了,还没有本领独立生活。Tā yǐjīng èrshí
duō suì le, hái méiyǒu běnlǐng dúlì shēnghuó. He is over twenty, but still lacks the skills to live
běnqián 本钱 N the money with which one makes investments or conducts other business dealings, capital
běnrén 本人 N oneself 他本人 tā běnrén himself / 我本人 wǒ běnrén myself
běnshēn 本身 N itself, in itself
běnshì 本事 N ability, capability ■ 他自以为本事 很大,其实什么都做不好。Tā zì yǐwéi běnshì hěn

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