Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

bào 抱 V hold ... in arms, embrace, hug ■ 妈妈抱 着孩子。Māma bàozhe háizi. The mother is holding
her baby in her arms. ■ 让我抱抱你。Ràng wǒ bàobao nǐ. Let me hug you.
bàofù 抱负 N aspiration, ambition
bàoqiàn 抱歉 ADJ apologetic, sorry, regretful ■ 很抱歉,今天我不能加班。Hěn bàoqiàn, jīntiān wǒ
bù néng jiābān. I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to work overtime today. ■ 我忘了昨天的 会议,实
在抱歉!Wǒ wàngle zuótiān de huìyì, shízài bàoqiàn! I’m awfully sorry that I forgot the meeting
bàoyuàn 抱怨 V complain, grumble
bào 暴 ADJ fierce and brutal
bàolì 暴力 [modif: 暴 violent + 力 force] N violence, brutal force 暴力电影 bàolì diànyǐng violent movie
bàolù 暴露 [comp: 暴 expose + 露 show, reveal] V expose, lay bare
bàofā 爆发 V erupt, break out 火山爆发 huǒshān bàofā a volcano erupted; volcanic eruption
bàozhà 爆炸 [comp: 爆 explode + 炸 blow up, blast] I V explode II N explosion 自杀炸弹爆炸 zìshā zhàdàn
bàozhà the explosion of a suicide bomb
bào 雹 N hail, hailstone
bēi 杯 N cup, mug, glass (只 zhī)
bēizi 杯子 [suffix: 杯 cup + 子 nominal suffix] N cup, mug, glass (只 zhī) ■ 这些杯子要洗一下。
Zhèxiē bēizi yào xǐ yíxià. These cups/mugs/glasses need washing. 茶杯 chábēi teacup / 酒杯 jiǔbēi
wine glass / 一杯 茶/酒 yì bēi chá/jiǔ a cup of tea/a glass of wine

NOTE: 杯 bēi may denote  either cup, mug,    or glass. 杯 bēi is  seldom  used    alone.  It  is  usually suffixed    with
子 zi: 杯子 bēizi, or combined with 茶 chá or 酒 jiǔ: 茶杯 chábēi, 酒杯 jiǔbēi.

bēi 背 TRAD 揹 V carry... on the back ■ 孩子每天高 高兴兴背着书包上学校。Háizi měi tiān gāo-
gāoxìng-xìng bēizhe shūbāo shàng xuéxiào. Every day the child goes to school happily, with his
school-bag on his back.
bēidài 背带 N straps, braces, suspenders
bēi 碑 N stele 纪念碑 jìniànbēi monument
bēi 悲 ADJ grieved
bēi’āi 悲哀 [comp: 悲 grieved + 哀 grieved] ADJ deeply grieved
bēicǎn 悲惨 [comp: 悲 grieved + 惨 miserable] ADJ miserable, tragic
bēiguān 悲观 [comp: 悲 grieved, sad + 观 view] ADJ pessimistic (ANTONYM 乐观 lèguān) ■ 你太悲观
了,情况不会这么坏吧。Nǐ tài bēiguān le, qíngkuàng bú huì zhème huài ba. You’re too
pessimistic. Things can’t be that bad.
bēitòng 悲痛 [comp: 悲 grieved, sad + 痛 agony] ADJ deeply grieved, agonized, with deep sorrow ■ 他
在交通事故中失去了妻子、女儿,悲痛极 了。Tā zài jiāotōng shìgù zhōng shīqùle qīzi, nǚ’ér,
bēitòng jíle. He lost his wife and daughter in a road accident and is deeply grieved.
bēi 卑 ADJ 1 low and humble 2 mean, contemptible
bēibǐ 卑鄙 [comp: 卑 mean + 鄙 low, despicable] ADJ contemptible, despicable 卑鄙小人 bēibǐ xiǎorén
despicable person/people
běi 北 N north, northern ■ 在北半球,刮北风, 天就冷。Zài běi bànqiú, guā běifēng, tiān jiù lěng. In
the north hemisphere, the weather becomes cold when a north wind blows.
běibian 北边 [modif: 北 north + 边 side] N north side, to the north, in the north ■ 山的北边是一大 片草
原。Shān de běibian shì yí dà piàn cǎoyuán. North of the mountains is a vast pasture. ■ 加拿 大在
美国的北边。Jiānádà zài Měiguó de běibian. Canada is to the north of the USA.
běifāng 北方 [modif: 北 north + 方 region] N northern region ■ 中国南方和北方以长江为界。
Zhōngguó nánfāng hé běifāng yǐ Chángjiāng wéi jiè. The south and north of China are demarcated
by the Yangtze River.
běijí 北极 [modif: 北 north + 极 pole] N the North Pole 北极星 běijíxīng the North Star, Polaris
běijīng 北京 N Beijing (Peking) (the capital of the People’s Republic of China)

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