The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1
Budget Balance (% GDP): - 8.6

Population: 9.4m

A unity government formed in the face of the emerging pandemic envisaged the prime
minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, of the right-wing Likud party, handing power to Benny
Gantz, of the centre-right Blue and White party, in October, for a further 18 months. But
the coalition is shaky and may not see out its term. Fiscal support measures will be
withdrawn as the year progresses, and unemployment will rise, undermining the

TO WATCH: The trial of Mr Netanyahu on corruption charges will begin in earnest in
January. He may be replaced as Likud leader regardless of the verdict.


GDP growth: 2.1%

GDP per head: $3,690 (PPP: $8,420)

Inflation: 0.9%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 12.3

Population: 11.6m

Public discontent will mount over falling living standards, higher unemployment and
post-pandemic austerity. The virus will limit Western financial support and bring
expatriate workers back home from economically straitened neighbouring states,
adding to social strains. There will be protests, but King Abdullah II will remain secure.
Fragile public finances further weakened by the pandemic response will hold back

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