The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1


GDP growth: 2.0%

GDP per head: $1,790 (PPP: $ 4,460)

Inflation: 6.0%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 9.0

Population: 55.0m

An effective response to covid-19 will raise support for the president, Uhuru Kenyatta.
Tensions within and between the two main parties will become more intense as the
government enters its final year, and a split in Mr Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party is on the
cards as supporters of his deputy, William Ruto, seek a platform. Emergency
international funding will help revive the economy.

TO WATCH: Building bridges. Mr Kenyatta’s stronger footing will allow him to pursue a
rewrite of the constitution discussed with the opposition, including a dilution of
executive powers.


GDP growth: 1.1%

GDP per head: $9,440 (PPP: $12,620)

Inflation: 98.8%
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