The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1
Budget Balance (% GDP): - 7.7

Population: 6.8m

Nowhere is vulnerability to catastrophe more in evidence than in Lebanon, where even
covid-19 was eclipsed by a fertiliser explosion in August 2020 that obliterated Beirut’s
port and brought down the government. The transitional prime minister, Mustafa Adib,
resigned when he failed to form a government; Saad Hariri has taken over. A complete
economic meltdown cannot be ruled out. An IMF rescue package is possible if a new
government can be formed.


GDP growth: 20.9%

GDP per head: $4,230 (PPP: $ 10,970)

Inflation: 7.7%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 2.6

Population: 7.0m

A proxy war is pitting the self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) against the UN-
recognised Government of National Accord, fuelled by international backers seeking
regional influence. A UN-sponsored process of political normalisation will remain
suspended until a ceasefire is brokered. The pandemic compounded a devastating
blockade of the country’s oil exports by the LNA, and the economy will only partially


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