Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

316 15 speaKinG to inForM

Learning Objectives

15.1 List the three major goals of informative speeches.
15.2 Describe five different types of informative speeches.
15.3 Effectively and appropriately use four strategies to enhance
audience understanding.
15.4 Effectively and appropriately use three strategies to maintain
audience interest.
15.5 Effectively and appropriately use four strategies to enhance
audience recall of information presented in an informative speech.
15.6 Develop an audience-centered informative speech.

As you participate in your company’s management training classes, the group
facilitator turns to you and asks you to summarize your team’s discussion about
the importance of leadership.
Your sociology professor requires each student to give an oral report
describing the latest findings from the U.S. census.
At the conclusion of your weekly staff meeting via Skype, your boss asks
you to develop a brief oral report summarizing the new product you and your
team are developing.
In each of these situations, your task is to give information to someone. Con-
veying information to others is a useful skill in most walks of life. You may find
that informing others will be an important part of your job, your volunteer work,

15.4 Strategies to Maintain Audience
Motivate Your Audience to Listen
to You
Tell a Story
Present Information That Relates to
Your Listeners
Use the Unexpected
15.5 Strategies to Enhance Audience Recall
Build in Redundancy
Make Your Key Ideas Short and
Pace Your Information Flow
Reinforce Key Ideas

15.6 Developing an Audience-Centered
Informative Speech
Consider Your Audience
Select and Narrow Your
Informative Topic
Determine Your Informative
Develop Your Central Idea
Generate Your Main Ideas
Gather Your Supporting Material
Organize Your Speech
Rehearse Your Presentation
Deliver Your Speech

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