374 17.1 Using PersUasive strategies
DynamIsm A third factor in credibility is the speaker’s dynamism, or energy.
Dynamism is often projected through delivery. Charisma is a form of dynamism.
A charismatic person possesses charm, talent, magnetism, and other qualities
that make the person attractive and energetic. Many people considered presi-
dents Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan charismatic speakers.
Phases of Your Credibility
Your credibility in the minds of your listeners evolves over time. Speakers typi-
cally establish their credibility in three phases: (1) initial credibility, (2) derived
credibility, and (3) terminal credibility.
InItIal CreDIbIlIty The first phase is called initial credibility. This is the
impression of your credibility that your listeners have even before you speak.
Giving careful thought to your appearance and establishing eye contact before
you begin your talk will enhance both your confidence and your credibility. It
is also wise to prepare a brief description of your credentials and accomplish-
ments so that the person who introduces you can use it in his or her introduc-
tory remarks. Even if you are not asked for a statement beforehand, be prepared
with one.
DerIveD CreDIbIlIty The second phase in the evolution of credibility
is called derived credibility. This is the perception the audience develops
about you after they meet you and as they see you present yourself and your
message. Most of this book presents principles and skills that help establish your
derived credibility as a speaker. Specific research-supported skills for enhancing
your credibility as you speak include establishing common ground with your
audience, supporting your key arguments with evidence, and presenting a well-
organized and well-delivered message.
• Establishing common ground. You establish common ground by indicating
in your opening remarks that you share the values and concerns of your
audience. To begin to persuade an audience that she understands why bud-
get cuts upset parents, a politician might speak of her own children.
• Support your key arguments with evidence. Having evidence to support your
persuasive conclusions strengthens your credibility.^2
• Present a well-organized message. A well-organized message also enhances
your credibility as a competent and rational advocate.^3 Regardless of the
organizational pattern you use, it is crucial to ensure that your message is
logically structured and uses appropriate internal summaries, signposts,
and enumeration of key ideas.
• Deliver your message well. For most North Americans, regular eye contact,
varied vocal inflection, and appropriate attire have positive influences on
your ability to persuade listeners to respond to your message.^4 Why does
delivery affect how persuasive you are? Researchers suggest that when your