Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

enhancing Your Credibility 17.1 375

listeners expect you to be a good speaker and you aren’t, they are less likely
to do what you ask them to do.^5 So don’t violate their expectations by pre-
senting a poorly delivered speech.
Effective delivery also helps gain and maintain listener attention and affects
whether listeners will like you.^6 If you can arouse listeners’ attention and if
they like you, you’ll be more persuasive than you’ll be if you don’t gain their
attention and they don’t like you. Do speakers who use humor enhance their
credibility? There is some evidence that although using humor may contribute
to making listeners like you, humor does not have a major impact on ultimately
persuading listeners to support your message.^7

termInal CreDIbIlIty The last phase of credibility, called terminal
credibility, or final credibility, is the perception of your credibility listeners have
when you finish your speech. The lasting impression you make on your audi-
ence is influenced by how you were first perceived (initial credibility) and what
you did as you presented your message (derived credibility). It is also influenced
by your behavior as, and immediately after, you conclude your speech. For ex-
ample, maintain eye contact with your audience as you deliver your speech con-
clusion. Also, don’t start to leave the lectern or the speaking area until you have
finished your closing sentence. Even if there is no planned question-and-answer
period following your speech, be ready to respond to questions from interested

Quick Check

Enhancing Your Credibility

Initial Credibility
Carefully consider your appearance.
establish eye contact before speaking.
Provide a summary of your credentials related to your topic.
Derived Credibility
establish common ground.
support arguments with evidence.
Organize your speech well.
Deliver your speech well.
Terminal Credibility
end with eye contact.
Be prepared for questions.
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