Encyclopedia of the Solar System 2nd ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
942 Index

orbit/mass, 544–545
origins, 554–555
solid surfaces, observations, 678
FOS/HSTmeasurements, 669
thermal radiation, 693–694
chemical composition
chondrites, classifications, 266–267
eucrites, 261
giant planets, atmospheres, 384–388
ammonia, Jupiter/Saturn, 387
carbon, 386
helium, 385–386
hydrogen, 385
nitrogen, 386
observed species, 386
oxygen, 386
sulfur, 386
meteorites, 271–277
Venus, recombinations, 145
chemical recombination, Venus
atmosphere, 145
chondrites, 260–262
aging of, 261
Antarctica, 270
EH3-EH4, 276
EL3, 276
breccias, 266
composition, 266–267
organic constituents, 261
chemical-petrologic classification, 266
CI, 270, 274
composition, 34–35, 266–267
enstatite, 276
gas retention ages of, 279
H, 276
iron-nickel grains, 269
L, 279
lithophile element concentrations, 271
Mars mantle, 318
petrographic properties, 263–266
S-asteroid paradox, 269
shocks, 267
short-lived isotopes, 39
solar system origin, 34–35
Christy, J. W., 542, 605
chromosphere, giant planets, 391
chromosphere/transition region, Sun
dynamic phenomena, 78–79
physical properties, 78
CRE ages, 278–279
extinct radioactives, 281–282
gas retention age, 279–280
solidification age, 280–281
terrestrial ages, 277–278
Chryse Basin, Mars, 308
Chryse Planitia, Mars, 312, 333, 334

Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet
Rosettamission, 52, 560, 574
CHZ.Seecontinuously habitable zones
CI chondrites, 270, 274
CIRS.Seecorotating interaction regions
Clarke, Arthur C., 297
geochemical lunar mapping, 245
meteoritic spectral reflectance data,
to Moon, 881
CLEST.SeeCambridge Low-Frequency
Synthesis Telescope
feedbacks, 182–183
greenhouse effect, 182
ice ages, 183–185
recent times, 183
carbon dioxide greenhouse,
Milankovitch cycles, 308, 311–312
past, 307–309
present, 306–307
warm, production of, 309–311
wind modification of surface,
Triton satellite, Neptune, 499–500
climate change
Mars volatiles, 302
Maunder Minimum, 224
cloud feedbacks, Earth, 183
cometary, 685
eruption, Io, 835
giant planets, 388–394
condensate layers, 390
water/ammonia, 389
Plinian, volcanic eruptions, 831
thermochemical equilibrium models,
Titian, 476
Venus atmosphere
appearance and motions, 145
chemistry, 147
layers, 145–147
lightning, 147
zodiacal, 18
CMEs.Seecoronal mass ejections
COBE space-based telescope.See
Cosmic Background Experiment
(COBE) space-based telescope
collisional bremsstrahlung, hard X-ray
production, 93–94
Centaur objects, 614
Io, surface, 425–426
Kuiper Belt objects, 614

NEOs, 292
scattered disc objects, 614
coma, of comets, 558, 561, 565–567
cometary outbursts, 563–564
Arend-Roland, 568
astrobiological potential, 866
Bennett, 568
Borrelly, 288, 525
chemistry, 570–572
Churyumov-Gerasimenko, 560
clouds, 685
coma, 558, 561, 565–567
composition, 287, 570–572
dust fluxes, 630
dust-gas ratios, 690
dust trails, 689
ecliptic, 581–582, 598–599
ejecta composition, 560
ejection, large particles, 688
Encke’s, 560–561, 689
formation/ultimate fate, 572–573
Giacobini-Zinner, 525, 571
Grigg-Skjellerup, 630
Hale-Bopp, 558, 568
Halley, 288, 289, 525, 568
historical studies
Newton (1680), 560
19th century, 64
20th century, pre-space age, 70
hydrogen cloud, 565–567
icy planetesimal origination, 6
infrared observations, 689
Jupiter-family, 289
Kahoutek, 568
magnetic field properties, 526
nature of, 687–691
nearly-isotropic, 581
neck-line structure, 568
NEO relationship, 287–289
dynamical/physical evidence for
extinct comets, 288–289
Tisserand parameter, 288
9p/Tempel, 286
orbital periods, 287
distribution, 582
dynamics of, 576–578
taxonomy, 579–582
orphan trails, 690
plasma properties, 526
plasma tails, 561, 569
radar measurements, 761
reservoirs, 582–588
Oort cloud, 6, 49, 582–584, 586–588
scattered disk, 584–588
rotation rates, 293
Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, 564, 630
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