A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-59

religious decline in, 776

religious freedom in, 526, 607-8

representative government in, 285,

318-19, 386, 404-15, 433, 670,

684-85, 696, 699, 704

Ruhr occupation opposed by, 984

Russian expansion and, 711,713

Russian Revolution and, 936, 948

science in, 307

Scotland united with, 390

Second Industrial Revolution in, 745, 747,

748, 749, 760, 763

in Seven Years’ War, 394, 396-401,408

socialists in, 790

in Spanish Civil War, 1045-47

Spanish colonial rivalries with, 390

Spanish liberalism and, 587

sports in, 780

spy scandals in, 1 156

in Suez Canal Crisis, 1 153, 1164-67

tariffs in, 526, 702, 729, 749, 997

taxes in, 281,405, 407, 411,419, 703,


terrorism in, 1234

textile manufacturing in, 369-70, 515,

526-27, 553

tourism and, 755

trade and commerce in, 372-73, 498-500,


in United Nations, 1114

Versailles Treaty and, 956-58, 959-67, 973

Victorian, 686-705

Victorian politics in, 692-95

Victorian values in, 687-88

voting rights in, 408, 412, 414, 419, 534,

539, 562, 605-9, 646, 695-96, 979,


in War of 1812, 500

in War of the Austrian Succession, 396

in War of the Spanish Succession, 280, 406

welfare state in, 982, 1 106, 1126-27

women in, 539, 546, 553, 554, 696,

796-98,910-11,979, 1065

workers in, 545, 547, 553, 555-59, 561,

606, 610, 693, 695, 699, 763, 764,

769, 787, 899, 979, 987-88

workhouses in, 785, 786

in World War 1, 885, 889, 892, 895-97,

898-99, 902-9, 903, 911-12,

914-23,926, 936, 948

World War 1, home front in, 898-99, 898,


World War 1 debts of, 984, 986

in World War II, 1057-73, 1060, 1080,

1084, 1088-90, 1092, 1094, 1096,


in World War I outbreak, 886—88

Zionism and, 919

see also Anglicanism; England; Scotland;


Great Depression, 993-1000, 994, 996, 999,

1020, 1038, 1051

gradual revival from, 998-99

Great Exposition of 1851 (London), 542,

684, 685, 686

Great Fear (1789), 446-47

Great Hunger, The, see Ireland, potato

famine in

Great Northern War, 276

Great Schism, 7, 86-87, 88-89

Great Sphinx of Giza, 827

Great Trek, the (1836-1840s), 832, 833

Great Western, The, 523

Greco, El, 203, 203

Greece, 875, 968, 969, 1056

agriculture in, 519

in Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, 880

British blockade of (1850), 693

civil war in, 1149, 1150, 1151

classical, 1,44, 56, 58, 68, 290

in Cypriot conflict, 1185

democratization of, 1185

in European organizations, 1226, 1227,


independence of, 591, 693

inter-war politics in, 1015, 1016

migration from, 762

nationalism in, 590-91

in NATO, 1115

post-World War II economic conditions in,


post-World War II politics in, 1106, 1176,

1183, 1185

post-World War I politics in, 972

Russo-Turkish War and, 711-13

Turks in, 7, 250

uprising of 1770 in, 423

uprising of 1821 in, 589-91, 689

Versailles Settlements and, 967-68

in World War II, 1060, 1067, 1068, 1082,

1092, 1110

Greek Orthodox Church, 250

Greeks, $72

in Yugoslavia, 970

“Green’’ parties, 1106, 1109, 1181, 1184

Greenpeace, 1233

Green Revolution, 1125

Gregory XI, pope, 86

Grenoble, Parlement of, 441

Grenville, George, 415

Gresham, Sir Thomas, 189-90

Gresham College, 303

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