A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-65

military of, 103 5

nationalism in, 660, 858, 874

in NATO, 1115

Nazi pre-war relations with, 1031-34,

1049, 1056-57

1960s protests in, 1178

painting in, 817

popular religion in, 111

population growth in, 758, 1010, 1011,


post-World War II economic conditions in,

1120, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1129

post-World War II politics in, 1129, 1130,

1176, 1180-81, 1183, 1184

post-World War 11 settlement and, 1112,


in pre-World War 1 alliances, 869, 874,


representative government in, 659

resistance to state in, 657-59

Russian Revolution and, 936

Second Industrial Revolution, 749, 751

in Spanish Civil War, 1044, 1046-47

syndicalism in, 795, 796

tariffs in, 1010

terrorism in, 1233, 1234

tourism in, 755, 1143

Versailles Treaty and, 960, 961, 966, 967,

968, 1004

voting rights in, 658, 659, 979

welfare state in, 1126

women in, 1009-10, 1011

before World War I, 1053, 1054

in World War I, 863, 888, 890-91,

899-900, 902, 907, 919, 921, 922,

936, 1004, 1006

World War 1 debt of, 986

in World War II, 1049, 1059, 1060, 1062,

1066, 1067, 1068, 1079, 1084, 1086,

1088-89, 1093-94, 1099

Ivan III, tsar of Russia, 268, 275

Ivan IV (the Terrible), tsar of Russia,

268-69, 269, 271,275, 277

Ivory Coast, 830, 855, 1171

ivory trade, 855, 856

Iwo Jima, U.S. capture of (1945), 1100

Izvolsky, Alexander, 873

“J’accuse!” (Zola), 740

Jack the Ripper, 766

Jacobin Clubs (France), 455, 457, 459, 461,

463-64, 466, 467, 470-71,473, 475,


Jacobites, 391, 392, 407, 442

Jacobite Tories, 409

Jacquerie of 1358, 12

James I, king of England (James VI of Scot­

land), 143, 150, 151, 208, 209, 210,

211, 212,213,216, 247, 296

James II, king of England, 227-30, 310,

314, 390

James III (Stuart pretender), 390, 392

James IV, king of Scotland, 181

Jameson Raid (1895), 834

Jamestown, 196

James V, king of Scotland, 181

janissaries, 251, 425, 689

Jansen, Cornelius, 259

Jansenists, 259-60, 310, 326, 420-21

Japan, 389, 427, 713, 820, 821, 835, 868,


in Boxer Rebellion, 841

British treaty with (1902), 720

European contacts with, 36

independence maintained by, 839-41

in League of Nations, 961

military of, 1035

Nazi pre-war relations with, 1049, 1050

post-World War II economic conditions in,


Russian Revolution and, 948

in Russo-Japanese War, 645-46, 719-21,

720, 721, 722, 841, 872, 873, 874,

875, 928

in Sino-Japanese War of 1895, 719-20,


in Tripartite Pact, 1066, 1070

in World War I, 900, 904

in World War II, 1065, 1066, 1068,

1070-73, 1070, 1072, 1098,

1100-1101, 1113, 1163

Jarrell, Randall, 1090

Jarry, Alfred, 812

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 1192, 1197

Jaures, Jean, 791,888, 981

Java, 846

Jefferson, Thomas, 323, 377, 415, 417, 448

Jelacic, Joseph, 623, 633, 641

Jena, Battle of (1806), 489, 503

Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 115-16, 124, 131,

'138, 185, 227, 260, 306, 309, 310,

319, 320, 338-39, 420, 586, 600


in Austria, 338, 340, 808, 1017, 1052

in Eastern Europe, 338, 339, 452

in England, 224

in France, 338, 452, 485, 511, 594,

737-40, 1082

French Revolution and, 452

in German states, 338, 631

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