A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-73

Montesquieu on, 317, 318

Parlements’ conflict with, 415-23

restoration of, 508-9, 571, 593-94

Third Republic and, 734-36

monasteries and convents, 10, 61, 90, 114,

117, 121

Monck, George, 224

Monde, Le (Paris), 1144

Mondrian, Piet, 990

Monet, Claude, 802, 803-4

Mongolia, 1157

Mongols, 5, 268

Monnet, Jean, 1121, 1123

monopolies, 179, 210, 420

Monroe, James, 588

Monroe Doctrine, 588, 729

Mons, Battle of (1914), 889-90

Montaigne, Michel de, 42

Montenegro, Montenegrans, 426, 711, 868,

922, 970, 1075, 1210

see also Yugoslavia

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat,

Baron de, 313, 316-18, 320, 321,

329, 336, 337, 343, 348

Montessori, Maria, 796

Montezuma 11, Aztec emperor, 37, 39

Montgomery, Bernard, 1088

Montmorency, duke of, 134

Montmorency family, 130, 132

Montpellier, 24, 292

Montreal, British capture of (1760), 401

monumentalism, architectural, 251-52

Moors, Spanish, 111, 173, 178

Moravia, 147, 150, 681, 753

1848 unrest in, 622, 624

peasants in, 359

Reformation in, 100, 106, 263

in World War II, 1083

More, Hannah, 327, 546

More, Sir Thomas, 84, 112-13, 113, 188

Moriscos, 178, 202

Morisot, Berthe, 802

Moro, Aldo, 1233

Morocco, 844, 847, 851, 859, 976,

1042-43, 1044, 1222

crisis of 1911 over, 673, 741, 879, 880

independence of, 1168

in World War II, 1089

morphine, 806

Morris, William, 810

Moscow, Peace of (1940), 1061

Moscow Olympic Games (1980), 1160

Moscow School of Mathematics and Naviga­

tion, 307

Moscow State Conference (1917), 941

Moses (Michelangelo), 72

Mosley, Oswald, 1020

motion pictures, see films

Moulin, Jean, 1084

Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 1162

movies, see films

Mozambique, 1174-75, 1186

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 332-33, 332, 584

MRP (Popular Republican Movement;

France), 1128-29

Mugabe, Robert, 1175

Mukden, Battle of (1905), 720

multiculturalism, 1225

Munch, Edvard, 813-14

Munich conference (1938), 1053, 1055, 1057

Munich Olympic Games (1972), 1234

Municipal Corporations Act (Great Britain;

1835), 609

Munitions of War Act (Great Britain; 1915),


Munster, 106-7

Munster, Treaty of (1648), 158, 206

Munzer, Thomas, 97-98

Muscovy, 5, 47, 268, 275

expansion of, 268-70

slavery in, 42

see also Russia, imperial

museums, 542


in eighteenth century, 331-33

in Italian Renaissance, 66

Nazi, 1028

in nineteenth and twentieth centuries,


romantic, 584-85

muskets, 32

Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt), 1165

Muslims, see Islam, Muslims

Mussolini, Benito, 989, 1002, 1003, 1004,

1006, 1022

background of, 1005

dismissal and arrest of, 1093

execution of, 1099

Hitler’s relationship with, 1031-34, 1049,


Hitler’s rescue of, 1093

rise tp power of, 993, 1005-9

before World War II, 1050, 1053, 1056-57

in World War II, 1059, 1062, 1067-68,

1075, 1079, 1093

Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatiirk), 968

mustard gas, 895, 914

see also gas, poison

Myanmar (Burma), 835, 857, 1051, 1070,


Mystical Nativity (Botticelli), 78

mysticism, 87

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