Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide PDF

(Jeff_L) #1
Chapter 2: Gazetteer of tal’Dorei 41

Gazetteer of tal’Dorei

”I’ve wandered over many a shore and plain in my journeys, and my mind still finds itself drawn back to the younger
landscapes of Tal’Dorei. Wearing history’s deeper scars far from view, I find it one of the more vibrant realms in
Exandria to witness. Mind you, any calm only causes my old bones to itch with mistrust. Even the ripest of fruits can
carry a rotten core. Best you stick to the roads, friend.”
–Norad Firth, Captain of the The Brazen Beast


hese pages contain the known collection of information on the most prominent locales within and around the con-
tinent of Tal’Dorei, or Gwessar in the elvish tongue. Gathered through eyewitness accounts, local historians and
cartographers, as well as aid from the Cobalt Reserve, these pages will aid in fleshing out the extensive countryside
before you. You will be presented with information about the denizens and cultures of these respective locations, as well as
points of interest and possible mysteries and plots that may be stewing beneath the surface.
You are welcome to utilize any of the elements presented within for use within your own campaign. You can also adjust
and alter them as you see fit to work within the narrative you wish to present to your adventurers, or create and add as
much to the existing information as you’d like! After all, not all that has been catalogued is guaranteed to be completely
accurate. Boundless possibilities await eager travelers all across the grasslands and mountains, within cities and temples
built upon ruined and forgotten dangers of ages past. Create, explore, confront, and conquer!

the CalenDar anD

the passaGe of time

Not all campaigns concern themselves with the specifics
of maintaining a tight calendar record. Many games
avoid mention of world-centric days of the week, or
hours in the day, preferring to use the common real-
world terminology of a seven day week, thirty day
month, and a twelve month year all named in the same
fashion as our own world calendar is.
However, for the game master who wishes to put in that
extra step to providing immersion within Exandria may
look within this section for specifics about the Tal’Dorei
calendar to implement within their own campaign.
The calendar year of Exandria runs a total of 328 days
over the course of eleven months. These months are
outlined below in the order of their arrival within the
calendar year, as well as their number of days and notable
holidays (many of which are outlined within the Pantheon
of Exandria section of this book).
The names of the Months and Weekdays do vary
between distant cultures, but the elvish-rooted calendar
noted here is widely accepted and utilized throughout
Tal’Dorei, as well as most civilized areas across the world.
The four seasons (winter, spring, summer, and autumn)
are represented and called as such.
The seven days of the Exandrian week follow the names
Miresen, Grissen, Whelsen, Conthsen, Folsen, Yulisen,
and Da’leysen. The days are a standard 24 hours in length.


The coming of Spring is signified by the beginning days
of Dualahei. The official start of the season is observed on
the 13th and celebrated with a festival of barely ripened
food, games, and music, called the Renewal Festival.

Calendar of Tal’dorei

Month Days holiDays

Horisal 29 New Dawn (1st)
Hillsgold (27th)
Misuthar 30 Day of Challenging (7th)

Dualahei 30 Renewal Festival (13th)Wild’s Grandeur (20th)

Thunsheer 31 Harvest’s Rise (11th)
Merryfrond’s Day (31st)

Unndilar 28 Deep Solace (8th)
Zenith (26th)

Brussendar 31
Artisan’s Faire (15th)
Elvendawn, or Midsummer (20th)

Sydenstar 32
Highsummer (7th)
Morn of Largesse (14th)
Fessuran 29 Harvest’s Close (3rd)

Quen’pi l la r 27 The Hazel Festival (10th)
Civilization’s Dawn (22nd)

Cuersaar 29
Night of Ascension (13th)
Zan’s Cup (21st)

Duscar 32

Barren Eve (2nd)
Embertide (5th)
Winter’s Crest (20th)

Summer brings hotter days toward the middle of Unndi-
lar. The noonday sun of the 26th day is called the Zenith,
and is considered the first true moment of the summer.
The colors change and winds cool as Autumn takes the
lands in the early days of the month of Fessuran, marked
by the Harvest’s Close on the 3rd day. The chill of Winter
arrives to bring longer nights and cleansing snow in the
month of Duscar, marked by the 2nd day (referred to as
the Barren Eve, a nighttime celebration and remembrance
of those who fell in battle).

chapter two

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