CK-12 Geometry - Second Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.4. Similarity by SSS and SAS

  1. Find the slopes ofCA,AR,LOandOT.

  2. What are the measures of^6 Aand^6 O? Explain.

  3. FindLO,OT,CAandAR. Use these values to write the ratiosLO:CAandOT:AR.

  4. Are the triangles similar? Justify your answer.

Review Queue Answer

  1. a.^6 A∼=^6 D,^6 E∼=^6 C
    b. 4 ABE∼4DBC
    c.BE= 10
    a.^68 =^21 x,x= 28
    b. 15(x+ 2 ) = 6 ( 2 x− 1 )
    15 x+ 30 = 12 x− 6
    3 x=− 36
    x=− 12
    2.(x− 3 )(x+ 2 ) = 36
    x^2 −x− 6 = 36
    x^2 −x− 42 = 0
    (x− 7 )(x+ 6 ) = 0
    x= 7 ,− 6

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