CK-12 Geometry - Second Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 7. Similarity

7.5 Proportionality Relationships

Learning Objectives

  • Identify proportional segments when two sides of a triangle are cut by a segment parallel to the third side.

  • Extend triangle proportionality to parallel lines.

Review Queue

  1. Write a similarity statement for the two triangles in the diagram. Why are they similar?

  2. IfX A= 16 ,XY= 18 ,X B= 32 ,findX Z.

  3. IfY Z=27, findAB.

  4. FindAYandBZ.


Know What?To the right is a street map of part of Washington DC.RStreet,QStreet, andOStreet are parallel and
7 thStreet is perpendicular to all three.RandQare one “city block” (usually^14 mile or 1320 feet) apart. The other
given measurements are on the map. What arexandy?

What is the distance from:

  • Rand 7thtoRand Florida?

  • Qand 7thtoQand Florida?

  • Oand 7thtoOand Florida?

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