Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1

A quasit named Ophurkh was the first demon to come

through the portal in area Gl2, acting as a scout. A

steadfast servant of Baphomet, it remains in this area

to provide instructions for other demons as they arrive

through the portal and prepare to enter Elturel.

Ophurkh remains invisible and keeps quiet as the

characters pass through this area. If it is able to elude
notice, it follows the characters, waiting for a chance to

use its Scare ability to try to drive them from this level.

If unsuccessful, it goes invisible again, then waits and
attacks alongside the minotaurs that emerge from the

portal when the characters reach area Gl2.

If captured, the self-serving quasit can be coerced into

providing information about the portal and the plans of

its demonic masters (see "Demon Portal," page 65)
with a successful DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation) check.


Read the following as the characters enter this area:

This area is set with cushions and low stools of brown
oak. Above an empty dais, the wall is covered with a
mosaic shaped from colored chips of bone, artfully
arranged to depict scenes offunerals, the migration of
souls, and the celestial realms. Lettering along the bot-
tom of the mosaic reads: "Contemplate life. Death comes
soon enough."

Any character with proficiency in Religion recognizes

this area as one in which priests dedicated to dealing

with the dead would meditate to help them endure the

dark nature of their work.


This vault once housed the Helm ofTorm's Sight, but no

longer. Read the following boxed text to the players as

the characters enter this area:

This rubble-strewn vault contains five marble statues
atop daises. Four of the statues are unrecognizable, as
their features have been badly marred by rock fallen from
the cracked ceiling. The fifth is a finely carved statue of a
kneeling man.

The recognizable statue depicts Lannish Fogel, as seen

in the stained-glass window in area G2. Any characters

who saw the window recognize that the two depictions

are the same man. If none of the characters recognized

Lannish Fogel in area G2, a successful DC 10 Intelli-

gence (History or Religion) check allows a character to

recognize the statue.

Any inspection of the statue reveals that its head has

been sculpted as if it was meant to wear a separate

helm, but no such helm is present.

Tracks. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check

reveals more demonic tracks passing through this

area, as well as the tracks of booted humans leading on

to area G12.

1 square = 5 feet



Read the following as the characters enter this area:

A shallow meditation pool fills this room, set off from a
broad landing edged by a low wrought-iron railing. Won·
drous frescoes along the walls depict souls gaining the
blessings of Lathander, Torm, Helm, and Tyr. The fres-
coes on one wall have been twisted into abyssal forms
surrounding a shimmering portal.
The pool is littered with the mutilated bodies of hu-
mans wearing the uniforms of Baidu r's Gate and Elturel.
The swirling water of the pool roils with shadow, and is
shot through with patches of black ichor where demons
have fallen here. An armored man with a shield slung
over his back crouches among the bodies, writhing in
pain. His eyes are closed, and his hands clutch at a gold
helm on his head as if trying in vain to claw it off. Unin-
telligible words spill from his lips, some sounding saintly
and solemn, while others resonate with a cruel hissing.

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