SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

NH 3 + H 2 O → NH 4 + + OH−

According   to  the Brønsted-Lowry  theory  of  acids   and bases,  an  acid    releases    a   proton  while   a
base accepts a proton. In the case of weak acids and bases, an equilibrium is established
whereby a weak acid, in this case H 2 O, dissociates partially, donating a proton to a weak base,
which is NH 3 . The weak acid, H 2 O, loses a proton and becomes a relatively stronger conjugate
base, OH−. This is one conjugate acid-base pair (H 2 O, OH−). Meanwhile, the weak base, NH 3 ,
picks up a proton to become a relatively stronger conjugate acid, NH 4 +. This is the second
conjugate acid-base pair (NH 4 +, NH 3 ).

7 . A. NaOH is an Arrhenius base.
B. HCl is an Arrhenius acid and a Brønsted-Lowry acid.
C. NH 3 is a Brønsted-Lowry base and a Lewis base.
D. NH 4 + is an Arrhenius acid and a Brønsted-Lowry acid.
E. (CH 3 ) 3 N: acts only as a Lewis base.

8 . The dissociation of HA can be written as follows:

HA → H+ + A−

The molar   ratio   of  A−  to  H+  is  1:1.    We  are told    that    at  equilibrium [HA]    is  0.94    M   while   [A−]
is 0.060 M. So [H+] must also be 0.060 M at equilibrium. It follows, then, that:


An  acid    with    a   high    Ka  is  a   strong  acid    because its equilibrium position    lies    farther to  the
right, meaning that dissociation is more complete. The Ka of sulfurous acid is 1.7 × 10 −2
and the Ka of HA is 3.8 × 10 −3. The Ka of HA is less than that of sulfurous acid; therefore,
HA is a weaker acid.



pH  =   −log    [H+]    =   −log    (0.060) =   1.22


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