SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
9 .  A  higher  Ka  indicates   a   stronger    acid;   a   lower   Ka  indicates   a   weaker  acid.   X   is  one-third   the
value of 3X and therefore a weaker acid.


[H+]    is  a   direct  measure of  the strength    of  an  acid.   The greater the concentration   of  H+  in
solution, the stronger the acid. An acid that liberates X moles of H+ per liter is weaker,
therefore, than an acid that liberates 3X moles of H+ per liter.


The lower   the pH, the higher  the concentration   of  H+. The acid    with    a   pH  of   3 X    is  thus    the
weaker acid.


10 . 1.82

If  Kb  =   2.22    ×   10−11,  then

The equilibrium expression  for this    dissociation    is:

We  can let [H+]    =   x   at  equilibrium and,    since   [H+]:[A−]   =   1:1,    [A−]    =   x.

If  the original    [HA]    was 0.5 M,  and x   mol/L   are dissociated,    then    at  equilibrium,    [HA]    =   0.5 −   x.

Thus    the equilibrium expression  becomes:

We  can approximate that    0.5 −   x   ≈   0.5 since   HA  has a   small   Ka, which   indicates   it  is  a   weak    acid.

11 . B

A   buffer  solution    is  prepared    from    a   weak    acid    and its conjugate   base,   preferably  in  near-equal
quantities. Choices A and D are wrong because they do not show conjugate acid/base pairs.
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