SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ideal gas law

The law stating that PV = nRT, where R is the gas constant. It can be used to describe the behavior of
many real gases at moderate pressures and temperatures significantly above absolute zero. See
Kinetic molecular theory.

Indicator, acid-base

A substance used in low concentration during a titration that changes color over a certain pH range.
The color change, which occurs as the indicator undergoes a dissociation reaction, is used to
identify the end point of the titration reaction.

Inert gases

The elements located in Group 0 (or Group VIII) of the periodic table. They contain a full octet of
valence electrons in their outermost shell; this electron configuration makes them the least reactive
of the elements. Also called noble gases.

Intermolecular forces

The attractive and repulsive forces between molecules. See Van der Waals forces.

Intramolecular forces

The attractive forces between atoms within a single molecule.


A charged atom or molecule that results from the loss or gain of electrons.

Ionic bonding

A chemical bond formed through electrostatic interaction between positive and negative ions.

Ionic solid

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