SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


A solution containing a weak acid and its salt (or a weak base and its salt); which tends to resist
changes in pH.

Buffer region

Buffer region
The region of a titration curve in which the concentration of a conjugate acid is approximately
equal to that of the corresponding base. The pH remains relatively constant when small amounts of
H+ or OH– are added because of the combination of these ions with the buffer species already in

Calorie (cal)

Calorie (cal)
A unit of thermal energy (1 cal = 4.184 J).


An apparatus used to measure the heat absorbed or released by a reaction.


A compound with the general formula Cn(H 2 O)m. Carbon dating

Carbon dating

Carbon  dating
A technique for estimating the age of (ancient) objects by measuring the amount of radioactive
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