SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

d subshell

d subshell
The subshells corresponding to the angular momentum quantum number l = 2, found in the
third and higher principal energy levels; each containing five orbitals.

Dalton’s law

Dalton’s law
The law stating that the sum of the partial pressures of the components of a gaseous mixture
must equal the total pressure of the sample.

Daniell cell

Daniell cell
An electrochemical cell in which the anode is the site of Zn metal oxidation, and the cathode is
the site of Cu2+ ion reduction.

Degenerate orbitals

Degenerate  orbitals
Orbitals that possess equal energy.

Density (ρ)

Density (ρ)
A physical property of a substance, defined as the mass contained in a unit of volume.


A condition that arises when a substance has no unpaired electrons and is slightly repelled by a
magnetic field.

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