SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The random motion of gas or solute particles across a concentration gradient, leading to
uniform distribution of the gas or solute throughout the container.


In chemistry, a species containing bonds between elements of different electronegativities,
resulting in an unequal distribution of charge in the species.

Dipole-dipole interaction

Dipole-dipole interaction
The attractive force between two dipoles whose magnitude is dependent on both the dipole
moments and the distance between the two species.

Dipole moment

Dipole moment
A vector quantity whose magnitude is dependent on the product of the charges and the distance
between them. The direction of the moment is from the positive to the negative pole.

Dispersion force

Dispersion force
A weak intermolecular force that arises from interactions between temporary and/or induced
dipoles. Also called London force.


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