International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Mair, V. (1988) Painting and Performance: Chinese Picture Recitation and its Indian Genesis,
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Melching, M. (1979) ‘Meeting children on their own terms’, Wilson Library Bulletin 54, 2: 109–111.
Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1986) Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature,
Nairobi: Heinemann/London: James Curry.
Okpewho, I. (1979) The Epic in Africa: Towards a Poetics of Oral Performance. New York: Columbia
University Press.
Ong, W.J. (1982) Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word, New York: Methuen.
Opie, I. and Opie, P. (1959) The Lore and Language of School Children, London: Oxford University
——(1962) The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, London: Oxford University Press.
Parry, A. (ed.) (1971) The Making of Heroic Verse: The Collected Papers of Milman Parry, London:
Oxford University Press.
Pellowski, A. (1980) Made to Measure: Children’s Books in Developing Countries, Paris: UNESCO.
——(1990) The World of Storytelling, rev. edn, New York: H.W. Wilson.
Phaedrus (1973–1988) ‘International reports’, in Vols 1–13, 1988, Madison, NJ: Fairleigh
Dickinson University.
Promocion de la Lectura, una Experiencia en Bolivia (1985) Geneva: Fundaciones Simon I. Patino
and Pro Bolivia.
Segall, M.H., Campbell, D.T. and Herskovits, M.J. (1966) The Influence of Culture on Visual
Perception, New York: Bobbs Merrill.
Segun, M. (1985) My Father’s Daughter, Lagos: African Universities Press.
Thai IBBY (1991) The Story: A Report on the Sub-Regional Seminar on Reading Animation,
Bangkok, August 12–17, Bangkok: Thai IBBY.

Further Reading

Abd al-Tawab, Y. (1987) Wa-adab al-tifl al-Arabi: Maa qaimah bibliyujrafiyah li-intajihi al-fikri,
Cairo: al-Hayah al-Misriyah al-Ammah lil-Kitab.
Abidi, Syed Ameer Haider (1987) ‘Creation, publication and distribution of reading materials in
Africa’, Proceedings of the Third International Jerusalem Symposium on Encouraging Reading,
Thirteenth Jerusalem International Book Fair: 58–78.
Bravo-Villasante, C. (1966) Historia y antologia de la literatura infantil iberoamericana, 2 vols,
Madrid: Doncel.
Bynum, D.E. (1978) The Daemon in the Wood: A Study of Oral Narrative Patterns, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Ikonne, C., Oko, E. and Onwudinjo, P. (eds) (1992) Children and Literature in Africa, Ibadan:
Heinemann Educational Books.
Delgado Santos, F. (1989) ‘Ecuador: obras, cambios, esperanzas’, Casa de las Americas 30: 175–
Devasare, Hari Krishna (1969) Hindi balasahitya: eka adhyayana, Delhi: Atmarama.
Egypt IBBY Section (1992) Integrated Care Society International Symposium on Reading for All:
Proceedings, Future Look, Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization Press.
Fayose, P.O. (1991) ‘Children’s literature and research in Africa: problems and prospects’, in
International Youth Library (ed.) Children’s Literature Research, International Resources and
Exchange, First International Conference, 5–7 April 1988, Munich: K.G. Saur.
Gerard, A.S. (1981) African Language Literatures: An Introduction to the Literary History of Sub-
Saharan Africa, Washington: Three Continents Press.


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