International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

children’s literature
see also drama;
adopted by children 416–31;
authors’ viewpoints 547–68;
bibliography and history 121–8;
defining 15, 16–16, 20–7, 417;
defining the reader 16–19, 21–6;
early texts 137;
in higher education 598–13;
history 136–51;
humanising power 587–6;
international scene 645–62;
by major authors 405–20;
suitability 553–1;
symmetrical communication with author 18–
Children’s Peace Literature Award 504
Children’s Theatre (Goldberg) 204–9
Childress, Alice:
censorship 495, 496
Chimani, Leopold 743
China 449, 818–5
Chiranjeevi, Narla 804
Chodorow, Nancy 93
Chorny, Shasha 759
Chorpenning, Charlotte 212
Christian-Smith, Linda K. 47, 49, 50–3, 51
see also religion:
Africa 786, 790;
catechisms 267;
and Darwinism 311;
evangelist literature 269–81;
festivals and holidays 275–80;
folk-tales 157;
oral tradition and customs 177–3;
Puritans 150–6, 859–2;
Quakers 860;
roots of drama in Catholic Church 207–12,
saints in mythology 163
Christopher, John 318–1
Chuah, Bessie 815
Chugtai, Azim Beg 803
Chukovsky, Kornei 760
Cinderella stories 97, 152
Clapham, Henoch 265
Clark, Margaret 838

Clarke, Arthur C. 316
Clarke, Jeane M. 630
Clarke, Pauline 676
defining 424;
relation to the child 23;
’tellings gaps’ and ‘implied readers’ 79–4;
translated works 511;
translations 515–5
Claverie, Jean 715–5
Cleary, Beverly 378, 383
Clemens, Samuel see Twain, Mark
Clement Jr, William 238–3
Cleveland-Peck, Patricia 377
closure 76, 393
Co-operative Children’s Book Centre 543
Cocking, Percy 242
Cody, William F. (‘Buffalo Bill’) 256–1
cognitive development 16
Cohen, Adir 24
Cole, Babette:
Mummy Laid an Egg 4–6
Cole, Elisha 266–1
Cole, Henry 219–4-
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 191–5
Coleridge, Sara 194
Coll, Pedro Emilio 878
collections 122–7, 538–7;
academic/universities and colleges 543–1,
contemporary 541;
general versus specific 543;
genre and format 543–1;
historical 541–9;
locations 538–8, 543;
organisations and publications 545–4;
public libraries and private institutions 544;
research 544–3
Collodi (Carlo Lorenzini) 515, 748
Coloma, Padre 717
colonialism 19;
adventure stories 324–30;
Australia 831–5;
education 786;
language 649, 663–3;
new ethnography 33;
redirecting 105
Colwell, Eileen 535
Comencini, Luigi 750

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