International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

limits of high fantasy 309;
magic discovered by or hidden from parents
the Märchen 302, 307;
metafiction 397–3;
pulp magazines 258–3;
read by all age groups 306;
versus realism 75;
science 318;
secondary worlds 299–4;
social relationships 378
Farjeon, Eleanor 198, 273
Farmer, Penelope 352
Farogh, Rais 808
Farquharson, Martha (Martha Finley) 339–4
Farris, Micheal 497
Father Christmas (Briggs) 379
Fawcett Publications 254
Felix, Monique 232–7
Felperin, H. 30, 31
feminism 97–10, 750;
fairy tales 102;
new ethnography 33;
psychoanalytic criticism 93–8;
reclaiming 101–8;
redirection 104–10;
redressing the balance 7–8;
rereading 99–5;
second wave 98, 101, 104;
theory 97–2
Fénlon, François de Salignac 710–19, 711
Fenn, Eleanor 143, 152
Fenton, Edward 512
Ferenc, Móra 767
Ferguson, Ruby 361
Ferra-Mikura, Vera 745
Ferrán, Jaime 720
fiction and non-fiction division 3
Fidler, Kathleen 681
Field, Eugene 195
Fielding, Sarah 40, 143, 344;
fairy tales 149, 151
Fienberg, Anna:
Ariel, Zed and the Secret of Life 60–4
films see multimedia
Fine, Anne 353, 387, 555
Finland 169, 440, 541, 690, 694–4
Firth, Barbara 233
Fischer, Hans 741–1

Fish, Stanley 68, 70–4
Fisher, Bud 252
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield 339, 866
Fisher, Margery 2, 20, 43, 433, 434
Fisk, Nicholas 319
Fisk, Pauline: Midnight Blue 274
Fitinghoff, Laura 698
Fitzhugh, Louise 378;
Harriet the Spy 206
Five Children and It (Nesbit) 295
Florida State University 123
Florio (John) Prize 519
flying stories 330–5
focalisation 63–7, 66
Foglar, Jaroslav 765
folk-tales 156–3, 422, 645
see also under individual countries;
adventure stories 328;
American slaves 284;
and consciousness 627–6;
Nordic countries 690–691, 694;
retellings 237;
Scotland 679;
storytelling 534, 537
Fontaine, Nicolas 264
Forbes, Esther 866
Ford, H.J. 225
Foreman, Michael 233
Forest, Antonia 276, 351–6, 370
Fortescue, Sir John 286
Fortún, Elena 717, 720
Foucault, Michel 30
Fox, Carol:
At the Very Edge of the Forest 2
Fox, Geoff 49, 73, 435
Fox, Paula 400;
How Many Miles to Babylon? 63;
The Slave Dancer 19, 370
Foxe, John 268
Foxwell, Herbert S. 244
awards 505;
comics 249;
drama 210;
effect of Revolution 712;
fairy tales 147, 156;
international publishing 648;
magazines 440–7;
oral tradition 534;


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