Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1202 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

Wide Sargasso Sea III:901–902
Winesburg, Ohio I:159
Woman Hollering Creek and Other
Stories I:288–289
Woman Warrior II:667–669
Women in Love II:696–697
Women of Brewster Place III:829–830
World According to Garp II:595–596
Wuthering Heights I:233–234
Yellow Wallpaper II:485–486
gender equality
Anthills of the Savannah I:124
House of the Spirits I:147
Jane Eyre I:230–232
gender roles
Ethan Frome III:1127
gender I:40
Medea I:420
Much Ado about Nothing III:955
Pride and Prejudice I:190
Pygmalion III:974
Sula II:805–806
Surfacing I:178–179
Things They Carried III:834
Yellow Wallpaper II:486
“General Prologue” (Chaucer) I:272, 274
Genesis (biblical book)
Confessions of St. Augustine I:182
Paradise Lost II:770, 771
Wise Blood III:842
work I:120
“Georgia Dusk” (Toomer) III:1075
Germany II:498–501
ghost stories I:332; II:618–619
Gilbert, Sandra I:44
Gilded Age I:102
Gilgamesh I:23, 115
Giller Prize II:774
Gilligan, James I:118
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins I:64; II:484–487
Gilovich, Thomas I:87
Giver, The (Lowry) II:721–724
Glaspell, Susan I:63, 65; II:487–491
Glass Menagerie, The (Williams) I:31;
III:1154–1157, 1157–1160
gnomon II:631
God III:857–860, 1166
“Godliness II” (Sherwood) I:159
“Godliness IV, Terror” (Sherwood) I:159
God of Small Things, The (Roy)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von I:26–27
Going after Cacciato (O’Brien) I:45;
Golden Notebook, The (Lessing)
Golden Rule III:1084, 1085

Golding, William II:491–494
individual and society I:59
love I:67
parenthood I:81
science and technology I:97
Gonne, Maud III:1187, 1189
good and evil III:1107
Goodman, Paul and Percival I:197
“Good Man Is Hard to Find, A”
(O’Connor) I:23; III:837–840
goodness III:838, 839
“Good Story, A” (Alexie) I:142–143
“Goophered Grapevine, The” (Chesnutt)
Gordimer, Nadine II:494–497
Gore, Al I:75
Go Tell It on the Mountain (Baldwin)
gothic novels
Dracula III:1032–1035
“Fall of the House of Usher” III:873
Frankenstein III:977–981
Jane Eyre I:229
parenthood I:80
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:881
“Grace” ( Joyce) II:628, 632–633
Grant, Ulysses S. I:131
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck) I:121–
122; III:1012–1015
Grasmere Journal (Wordsworth)
Grass, Günter I:45; II:498–501
Great Awakening, First I:380
Great Chain of Being I:79; II:624
Great Depression III:994, 1012–1015
Great Expectations (Dickens) I:337–341
childhood I:11
individual and society I:60
regret I:88
rejection I:88
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald) II:438–442
alienation I:4
ambition I:7
American dream, the I:8–9
identity I:54
success I:109
greed III:1012–1015, 1018, 1022
Greek mythology III:1101
Greek tragedy III:1001–1008
Greene, Graham II:501–504
Gregory, Robert III:1190
grief I:43–45
Beloved II:795–796
Canterbury Tales I:273–274
Heart of the Matter II:502

As I Lay Dying II:424–425
Lord of the Rings III:1070
Medea I:421
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1053–1054,
My Ántonia I:267
Optimist’s Daughter III:1122
Rabbit, Run III:1096
Percy Bysshe Shelley III:981–983
Song of Solomon II:800
Sound and the Fury II:432–433
Things They Carried III:834
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? I:135
guilt I:45–47
Animal Farm III:850
Beloved II:792, 793, 796
The Chosen III:887
Crime and Punishment I:358–359, 361
David Copperf ield I:336, 337
Fathers and Sons III:1078–1079
Fifth Business I:315–316, 318
Going after Cacciato III:830–831
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings I:162
Joy Luck Club III:1050
Julius Caesar III:936–937
King Lear III:938
Life in the Iron Mills I:319–320
Lolita III:816
Long Day’s Journey into Night
Macbeth III:942, 944–945
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1053
Oedipus Rex III:1006
O Pioneers! I:271
Optimist’s Daughter III:1122
Pilgrim’s Progress I:240–241
Poisonwood Bible II:662–663
Rabbit, Run III:1096
regret I:87
Separate Peace II:675–676
Streetcar Named Desire III:1158
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:881–882
Tess of the d ’Urbervilles II:515–516
Things They Carried III:835–836
Tin Drum II:498–499
War and Peace III:1073
World According to Garp II:596–597
gulags III:998–1001
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift) I:96, 113;
Guy Domville ( James) II:618
Gypsies II:677–679
Haley, Alex II:504–508
Hall, Radclyffe I:100
Hallam, Arthur Henry III:1052–1056
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