Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1203

Hamlet (Shakespeare) I:44, 46, 79;
Handmaid ’s Tale, The (Atwood) I:20, 81,
93–94, 175–178
Hansberry, Lorraine I:9, 111; II:508–510
Hardin, James I:13
Hardy, Thomas II:511–517
American Tragedy, An I:371–372
Jude the Obscure II:511–514
parenthood I:80
sex and sexuality I:98–99
Tess of the d ’Urbervilles II:514–517
work I:121
Harlem Renaissance I:78; III:897–901,
Harte, Bret II:517–524
Hassan, Ihab I:14, 15
hate III:847, 881
Havel, Václav I:51
Hawthorne, Nathaniel II:524–541
“Birth-mark” II:524–527
guilt I:46
House of the Seven Gables II:527–531
identity I:54
parenthood I:80
“Rappaccini’s Daughter” II:531–534
Scarlet Letter II:534–538
science and technology I:96–97
“Young Goodman Brown” II:538–541
Beloved II:793
Ceremony III:989, 990
House Made of Dawn II:788
Salt Eaters I:200, 201
Hearst, William Randolph III:1012
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The (McCullers)
Heart of Darkness (Conrad) I:59, 61–62,
Heart of the Matter (Greene) II:501–504
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen) II:591–594
Hegel, G. W. F. I:2, 4
Heller, Joseph I:18; II:541–545
Hemingway, Ernest II:545–555
Farewell to Arms II:545–548
Old Man and the Sea II:548–551
stages of life I:107
Sun Also Rises II:552–555
Henry IV, Part I (Shakespeare) III:927–
931, 931–932
Henry V (Shakespeare) I:94; III:931–934
heritage II:786–789, 791, 808, 809
heroic couplets I:238
heroine II:712, 713
heroism I:47–49
Aeneid III:1101–1102
Anthem III:894–895

Anthills of the Savannah I:127–128
“A&P” III:1095–1096
Catch-22 II:541–542
Going after Cacciato III:831–832
Handmaid ’s Tale I:176–177
Hiroshima II:555–556
The Hobbit III:1066–1067
Hound of the Baskervilles I:367–369
House of the Spirits I:146–147
The Iliad II:570–571
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lord Jim I:302, 303
Lord of the Rings III:1068–1069
memory I:69
The Natural II:731–732
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:854–855
Odyssey II:573–574
Oedipus Rex III:1006–1007
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave
Outsiders II:567–568
Playboy of the Western World
pride I:82
Red Badge of Courage I:309–310
Souls of Black Folk I:377–378
Tale of Two Cities I:346–347
Things Fall Apart I:127–128
Things They Carried III:834
Tom Jones II:435–436
Treasure Island III:1030–1031
Hersey, John II:555–558
Hesse, Herman II:558–565
hexameter III:1099
hierarchy III:952, 953
Fine Balance II:777
futility I:39
House for Mr. Biswas III:824, 826
Kim II:672
religion I:91
stages of life I:105
Hinton, S. E. II:565–568
Hiroshima (Hersey) II:555–558
historical drama II:688
historical memory I:69
History of Sexuality, The (Foucault) I:99
HIV/AIDS II:688–691
Hobbes, Thomas I:58
Hobbit, The (Tolkien) III:1063–1067
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Night III:1136–1140

Painted Bird II:679, 680
suffering I:111
violence I:118
Homer II:568–575
Aeneid III:1099–1101
death I:23
grief I:44
heroism I:48
hope I:51
The Iliad II:568–571
memory I:69
Odyssey II:571–575
pride I:82
religion I:91
tradition I:115
Almanac of the Dead III:987
Angels in America II:688–691
Dracula III:1032
Golden Notebook II:705–706
Go Tell It on the Mountain I:199
love I:68
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
II:648, 649
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
sex and sexuality I:99–100
Women in Love II:698
All the Pretty Horses II:740, 741
Henry IV III:927
pride I:82
hope I:49–53
American dream, the I:8
Angels in America II:689–690
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Beloved II:795
Bend in the River III:820–822
Burger’s Daughter II:497
Candide III:1103–1104
childhood I:11
“Civil Disobedience” III:1057
Color Purple III:1114
“Good Man Is Hard to Find” III:838
Great Expectations I:338–339
Heart of the Matter II:502
Hiroshima II:556–557
Iceman Cometh III:845
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Inherit the Wind II:699
Invisible Man I:391
Joy Luck Club III:1050
Lesson before Dying II:472
Life in the Iron Mills I:320–321
Lord of the Rings III:1069–1070
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