Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1205

Ceremony III:989
In Cold Blood I:255–256
Color Purple III:1115
Doll ’s House II:590–591
“Fall of the House of Usher” III:873,
Fathers and Sons III:1079–1080
Robert Frost II:462
Going after Cacciato III:833
Golden Notebook II:707
hope I:52
House of the Seven Gables II:530–531
The Jungle III:992–993
Little Women I:139–140
Madame Bovary II:445, 446, 448
One Hundred Years of Solitude II:474,
Optimist’s Daughter III:1122
Red Pony III:1024
Remembrance of Things Past III:891
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:882–883
Tender Is the Night II:443–444
Tin Drum II:498–499
Wide Sargasso Sea III:902–903
Yellow Wallpaper II:486–487
Illness and Culture in the Postmodern Age
(Morris) I:56
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag) I:55–56
illuminated printing I:217–218
imagination III:831–833
Buddha of Suburbia II:683–688
Dracula III:1034
Joy Luck Club III:1052
The Jungle III:991–994
Middleman and Other Stories
Tripmaster Monkey II:665
Woman Warrior II:667–670
immortality III:873, 1133
imperialism III:886, 887, 1101
Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde)
incest III:1002
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl ( Jacobs)
In Cold Blood (Capote) I:65, 254–257
Inconvenient Truth, An (film) I:75
Common Sense III:861
The Metamorphosis II:637
Rainbow II:694
Walden III:1061
Fine Balance II:774–778
God of Small Things III:911–913
Kim II:670–673

Midnight’s Children III:914–918
Passage to India II:448–452
individual and society I:58–60
Age of Innocence III:1123–1126
Age of Reason III:859–860
alienation I:3
“American Scholar” I:395–396
Anthem III:895–896
Anthills of the Savannah I:128–129
Antigone III:1002–1003
Beggar’s Opera II:481–482
“Billy Budd, Sailor” II:756–757
Brave New World II:587–588
Cat’s Cradle III:1106–1107
Christmas Carol I:332–333
“Civil Disobedience” III:1058–1059
community I:20
Don Juan I:245–246
Dutchman II:626–627
Ethan Frome III:1127–1128
Fahrenheit 451 I:221
Gulliver’s Travels III:1039–1040
House for Mr. Biswas III:824–825
House of Mirth III:1130–1132
Kim II:670–671
Light in August II:426–427
Lord of the Flies II:492–493
“Lottery” II:605–606
Main Street II:713–714
The Misanthrope II:779–780
“Murders in the Rue Morgue”
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:853,
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Painted Bird II:678–679
Pilgrim’s Progress I:241–242
On the Road II:645–646
Romeo and Juliet III:961–962
Scarlet Letter II:534–535
“Self-Reliance” I:401–402
Siddhartha II:559–560
Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Stranger I:249–250
Taming of the Shrew III:964–965
Things Fall Apart I:128–129
U.S.A. trilogy I:355–356
Walden III:1061
Winesburg, Ohio I:159–160
“Young Goodman Brown” II:538–539
individualism II:711, 713, 804; III:894

“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:753–755
Grapes of Wrath III:1012
Out of Africa I:352, 353
Rainbow II:692–693
Women in Love II:695–697
work I:121
Industrial Revolution
alienation I:5
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s
Court III:1090
individual and society I:58
Life in the Iron Mills I:318, 320
“Lines Composed a Few Miles above
Tintern Abbey” III:1178–1180
survival I:114
Animal Farm III:852
Burger’s Daughter II:494
Cane III:1074
Cry, the Beloved Country III:866
Leaves of Grass III:1136
Trifles II:489
inferiority II:636, 655, 804–805
Inferno (Dante) I:312–314
infidelity II:681–683
Inherit the Wind (Lawrence and Lee)
Animal Farm III:851, 853
Black Boy III:1183
Burger’s Daughter II:494
“Civil Disobedience” III:1058
Grapes of Wrath III:1012–1015
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
To Kill a Mockingbird II:703
Life in the Iron Mills I:319
Small Place II:654–655
Tale of Two Cities I:345
Tom Jones II:436
In Memoriam A. H. H. (Tennyson) I:44,
99; III:1052–1056
“In Memory of Major Robert Gregory”
(Coleridge) III:1190
“In Memory of W. B. Yeats” (Auden)
innocence and experience I:60–62
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1087
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland I:257–
258, 260
Annie John II:652
“Billy Budd, Sailor” II:757, 758
Candide III:1104–1105
Catcher in the Rye III:919–920
coming of age I:13–14
Education of Henry Adams I:131–132
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