Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1206 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

House of Mirth III:1132–1133
House on Mango Street I:287–288
Importance of Being Earnest
Lolita III:815–816
Moll Flanders I:323–324
“Murders in the Rue Morgue”
Night III:1138–1139
Oliver Twist I:342, 343
“Outcasts of Poker Flat” II:522–523
Painted Bird II:679
Picture of Dorian Gray III:1145–1146
Portrait of a Lady II:617–618
Room with a View II:452–453
Sense and Sensibility I:194–195
Separate Peace II:674
Sister Carrie I:373–374
Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Things They Carried III:836–837
Turn of the Screw II:618–619
“Young Goodman Brown” II:539–540
“In Paths Untrodden” (Whitman)
In Search of Lost Time (Proust) III:892
insecurity III:1071
intercultural conflicts II:667–668
interdependence III:1019, 1021, 1131
Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah
Equiano (Equiano) I:404–407
intertextuality I:115–116
“In the Field” (O’Brien) III:835
intolerance II:781
Into the Wild (Krakauer) I:14
Invisible Man (Ellison) I:14, 390–393
Ireland III:1187–1190
“Irish Airman Foresees his Death, An”
(Yeats) III:1188, 1190
Irish Catholics III:1042–1046
Irish folk tales III:1187
Dubliners II:631, 632
Dutchman II:627
Life in the Iron Mills I:319
Lonesome Dove II:750
“Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,
An” I:210
Irving, John II:594–598
Irving, Washington I:72, 74–75;
Ishiguro, Kazuo II:601–605
isolation I:62–64
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Awakening I:283–284
“Billy Budd, Sailor” II:757
Bluest Eye II:796–797
Catcher in the Rye III:920–921
community I:20
David Copperf ield I:335
Dubliners II:630–631
Ethan Frome III:1126, 1128–1129
Fifth Business I:315, 317
Robert Frost II:462–463
“Good Man Is Hard to Find” III:838
Heart of Darkness I:299–300
Heart of the Matter II:504
individual and society I:59–60
“Luck of Roaring Camp” II:520
Martian Chronicles I:223
“Mending Wall” II:462–463
Of Mice and Men III:1017–1018
The Misanthrope II:780–781
“Murders in the Rue Morgue” III:877
“Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An”
Old Man and the Sea II:549–550
Oliver Twist I:341
“Rappaccini’s Daughter” II:532–533
“Road Not Taken, The” II:463–464
Robinson Crusoe I:325–326
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening” II:463
Streetcar Named Desire III:1158–1159
The Tempest III:967
Their Eyes Were Watching God II:583
Trifles II:489–490
Turn of the Screw II:619–620
Waiting for the Barbarians I:292–293
Wise Blood III:842
Woman Hollering Creek and Other
Stories I:290
“Ivy Day in the Committee Room”
( Joyce) II:628
Jackson, Shirley I:110; II:605–608
Jacobite Rebellion II:437–438
Jacobs, Harriet II:608–611
Jainism I:39
James, Henry II:611–622
childhood I:11
Daisy Miller II:611–614
parenthood I:81
Portrait of a Lady II:615–618
Turn of the Screw II:618–622
James, William I:63
James Tait Black Memorial Prize I:291
Jane Eyre (Brontë) I:229–232
childhood I:11
guilt I:46–47

heroism I:48
individual and society I:59
Wide Sargasso Sea III:901–903
jealousy II:675, 676, 682; III:1019
Jefferson, Thomas I:8; II:622–625
jeremiads III:910
Jesus Christ
Age of Reason III:859
“Divinity School Address” I:397–340
Doctor Faustus II:734, 735
Dubliners II:633
“Good Man Is Hard to Find” III:838,
heroism I:48
Modest Proposal III:1045
Pilgrim’s Progress I:240
Of Plymouth Plantation I:227
Red Badge of Courage I:310
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the”
Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Wise Blood III:843
Jews and Judaism
American Pastoral III:904
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Black Boy III:1182
The Chosen III:887–890
Handmaid ’s Tale I:178
Merchant of Venice III:946–948
Middleman and Other Stories II:810,
Night III:1136–1140
oppression I:77
Painted Bird II:677–679
rejection I:89
sex and sexuality I:98
Souls of Black Folk I:378
Tin Drum II:500
Jim Crow laws III:1074
John (biblical book) I:360, 381, 382
Johnson, Allan G. I:76
Jones, Leroi (Amiri Baraka) I:85;
Jonsen, Albert I:94
journals I:225–229
Joyce, James II:628–636
ambition I:7
community I:19
Dubliners II:628–633
innocence and experience I:62
Mrs Dalloway III:1170
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Joy Luck Club, The (Tan) III:1049–1052
Judeo-Christian tradition I:50
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