Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1221

Handmaid ’s Tale I:176
Heart of Darkness I:299
Heart of the Matter II:503–504
Hiroshima II:557–558
House of the Spirits I:145
illness I:56
Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Olaudah Equiano I:407
Jane Eyre I:231
The Jungle III:993
John Keats II:642
King Lear III:941–942
Lesson before Dying II:470
Madame Bovary II:446
Medea I:420–421
The Metamorphosis II:639–640
Modest Proposal III:1045–1046
Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass I:361
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:856–857
Oedipus Rex III:1006
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
O Pioneers! I:270–271
Playboy of the Western World III:1047
Of Plymouth Plantation I:228–229
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God” I:383–384
Six Characters in Search of an Author
Slaughterhouse-Five III:1110
Souls of Black Folk I:377
Tree Grows in Brooklyn III:997
War and Peace III:1073
Wise Blood III:842–843
Woman Hollering Creek and Other
Stories I:290–291
Antigone III:1002, 1004
Death of a Salesman II:768–770
Hamlet III:923, 925
Mrs Dalloway III:1171
Othello III:959
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Things Fall Apart I:128
Sula (Morrison) I:44; II:803–806
Summa Theologica (Aquinas) I:21–22
Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway)
Sun Dance II:789, 791–792
superego I:47
The Crucible II:763–767
Frankenstein III:980
Rape of the Lock III:883
Turn of the Screw II:619, 620

Surfacing (Atwood) I:178–181
survival I:112–114
Almanac of the Dead III:985
Animal Farm III:850
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Black Elk Speaks I:213–214
Burger’s Daughter II:496–497
Call of the Wild II:717–718
Common Sense III:861
Fahrenheit 451 I:221–222
Farewell to Arms II:547–548
Going after Cacciato III:832–833
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter II:745
isolation I:63
Lord of the Flies II:493–494
Love Medicine I:413–414
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1055–
Middleman and Other Stories
Native Son III:1185–1186
Night III:1137
“Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,
An” I:211
Oliver Twist I:341–343
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
“Open Boat” I:305, 307–308
“Outcasts of Poker Flat” II:523–524
The Pearl III:1019–1022
Robinson Crusoe I:326–328
Sister Carrie I:375
Slaughterhouse-Five III:1111–1112
Tracks I:416–417
Woman Warrior II:668–669
Swann in Love (Proust) III:893
Swann’s Way (Proust) III:891, 893
Swift, Jonathan III:1039–1046
Gulliver’s Travels III:1039–1042
Modest Proposal III:1042–1046
science and technology I:96
survival I:113
Swinburne, Richard I:94
All the Pretty Horses II:741–742
“Cathedral” I:263
Education of Henry Adams I:131–133
Robert Frost II:462–463
hope I:50
Lesson before Dying II:473
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lord of the Flies II:493
Mrs Dalloway III:1172
The Pearl III:1022
Song of Solomon II:802

Tale of Two Cities I:347
Tar Baby II:809
tradition I:115
“Sympathy” (Dunbar) I:162
Synge, John Millington III:1046–1049
Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens) I:60,
Tales of Soldiers and Civilians (Bierce)
talk-story II:669
Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare)
I:77; III:963–966
Tan, Amy III:1049–1052
Tar Baby (Morrison) II:806–809
Tartuffe (Molière) II:781–785
Tate, Nahum III:942
Taylor, Elizabeth I:133, 369
“Tell-Tale Heart, The” (Poe) III:880–883
Tempest, The (Shakespeare) I:64;
Ten Commandments II:764, 766
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald) II:442–445
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord I:44, 99, 107;
terza rima I:311–314
Tess of the d ’Urbervilles (Hardy)
theater. See plays
“Theater” (Toomer) III:1076, 1077
Theatre of Tennessee Williams, The
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston)
I:77; II:582–584
Théodicée (Liebniz) III:1103
Theories of Race and Racism (Solomos and
Back) I:84
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls) I:66
“There Was a Man, There Was a Woman”
(Cisneros) I:288
Things Fall Apart (Achebe) I:7, 60, 85,
Things They Carried, The (O’Brien) I:44,
55; III:833–837
Third World III:820, 822
“This living hand, now warm and capable”
(Keats) II:641
Thomas, Keith I:120
Thomas Aquinas, Saint I:21–22, 50
Thoreau, Henry David III:1057–1063
“Civil Disobedience” III:1057–1060
Main Street II:713
nature I:75
survival I:114
Walden III:1060–1063
William Butler Yeats III:1189
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