Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1222 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

“Thoughts on the Present State of
American Affairs” (Paine) III:861, 863
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche) I:48
“Time Passes” (Woolf ) III:1174
Time Regained (Proust) III:891
time travel III:1111, 1113
Tin Drum, The (Grass) I:45; II:498–501
“Tithonus” (Tennyson) I:107
“To Autumn” (Keats) II:642
“To Fanny” (Keats) II:641–642
To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee) II:701–704
Tolkien, J. R. R. I:67; III:1063–1070
Tolstoy, Leo I:30; III:1070–1074
“Tomahawk Factory, The” (Erdrich)
Tom Jones (Fielding) II:435–438
Tonnies, Ferdinand I:19
Tony Award I:133; III:1160
Toomer, Jean I:109; III:1074–1077
Topdog/Underdog (Parks) I:35, 41, 42
Tories II:437–438
totalitarianism I:67; III:853, 856
To the Lighthouse (Woolf ) III:1174–1177
tourism II:653–654; III:913
Tracks (Erdrich) I:102–103, 414–418
tradition I:115–117
Adventures of Augie March I:208
Aeneid III:1100
Anthills of the Savannah I:129–130
Bend in the River III:819
Bingo Palace I:408
Ceremony III:988, 990
Christmas Carol I:333–334
“Divinity School Address” I:399–400
Fathers and Sons III:1078
Frogs I:170–171
Heart of Darkness I:298
hope I:50
House for Mr. Biswas III:824, 826–827
House Made of Dawn II:786–789
How the García Girls Lost Their Accents
Joy Luck Club III:1050
The Jungle III:991
Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistf ight in
Heaven I:143–144
“Lottery” II:606–607
Love Medicine I:414
Middleman and Other Stories II:810,
Mumbo Jumbo III:900–901
“My Last Duchess” I:238–239
The Pearl III:1020
Room with a View II:454–455
Souls of Black Folk I:379–380
Sound and the Fury II:434–435

Things Fall Apart I:129–130
Tracks I:417–418
Walden III:1060
Waste Land I:389–390
Way to Rainy Mountain II:791–792
Woman Hollering Creek and Other
Stories I:289
Woman Warrior II:667, 669–670
“Tradition and the Literary Talent” (Eliot)
Antigone III:1001–1004
Beloved II:796
Bluest Eye II:798
Robert Frost II:462
futility I:40
“Good Man Is Hard to Find” III:837
Iceman Cometh III:845
Julius Caesar III:934–938
King Lear III:938–942
Macbeth III:942–945
Medea I:420, 421
Oedipus Rex III:1004–1008
Othello III:956–959
Picture of Dorian Gray III:1145
Romeo and Juliet III:959–963
Seagull I:275
Slaughterhouse-Five III:1110
violence I:118
“American Scholar” I:396
“Civil Disobedience” III:1058–1060
“Divinity School Address” I:397, 398
identity I:54
nature I:75
Room with a View II:453
“Self-Reliance” I:400, 402
spirituality I:103
survival I:113–114
Walden III:1062
transformation II:636–640
transgression III:1032–1034, 1125
trauma II:802
travel novels II:643
Treasure Island (Stevenson)
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A (Smith) II:735,
736; III:994–997
tricksters I:417; II:625–626; III:984–985,
Trifles (Glaspell) I:63, 65; II:487–491
Tripmaster Monkey (Kingston)
Tristan und Isolt (Strassburg) III:960
True Repertory, A (Strachey) III:967
True Success (Morris) I:108

Truman, Harry I:88
Truslow, James I:8
Turgenev, Ivan III:1077–1082
Turn of the Screw, The ( James) I:81;
Twain, Mark III:1082–1092
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
childhood I:12
coming of age I:13–14
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s
Court III:1088–1092
justice I:66
rejection I:90
science and technology I:97
sex and sexuality I:100
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare) I:51;
Two Towers, The (Tolkien) III:1067–1069
“Tyger, The” (Blake) I:217
übermensch I:47–48
Ulysses ( Joyce) III:1170
Unbearable Lightness of Being, The
(Kundera) II:680–683
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe) I:85;
“Under Ben Bulben” (Yeats)
Unitarianism I:397–398
universal love I:68
unrequited love II:744; III:972–973
“Untold Lie, The” (Sherwood) I:159
Updike, John III:1092–1099
grief I:44
heroism I:48–49
stages of life I:106–107
success I:109
Up from Slavery (Washington) I:109;
urbanization I:358–361
U.S.A. trilogy (Dos Passos) I:97,
utilitarianism I:29, 58, 66
utopian literature I:52
Venerable Bede I:165
vengeance I:257; III:1101
victimization III:1076, 1113, 1139
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
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