Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hymn to Apollo (Bliss), 714
Hymn to Zeus (Cleanthes), 27

Jason and the Argonauts (film), 751
"Jason and the Argonauts" (XTC), 729
Jason Is Disgorged by the Dragon that Guards the Golden
Fleece (Douris), 579
Jason Takes the Golden Fleece (Rubens), 581
Jean de Florette (film), 755
Jeffers, Robinson, The Cretan Woman, 224, 692; Medea,
588, 692, 751; Medea in Corinth, 728

Jobim, Carlos, 754
Jocaste (Chaynes), 712
Johnson, Ben, 727
Jolas, Betsy, 728
Jones, Bill T., 744
Jonson, Ben, 681
Joseph of Exeter, 676
Journeys of Odysseus, The (Freedman), 730
Joyce, James, 692
Judges, 483
Judgment of Paris, (Cranach the Elder), 439; (Tudor),
"Judgment of Paris, The" (Lucian), 28, 438^43
Jung, Carl G., 7-10
Jupiter, Juno and Minerva (Arch of Trajan), 628
Jupiter's Darling (film), 749
Kabat, Julie, 723
Kafka, Franz, 692
Kalmar, B., 732
Kansas, 729
Katz, Marilyn, 18
Kayak, 729
Kazantzakis, Nikos, 693
Keats, John, 688
Kern, Jerome, 730
Kleitias, 610-611
Kidd, Michael, 747
King Midas (Rorem), 727
King Priam (Tippett), 714, 748
King Roger (Szymanowski), 712
Kingship in Heaven, 97, 103
Kingsley, Charles, 588
Kitto, H, D. F., 30
"Klage der Ceres" (Schubert), 710
Kleist, Heinrich von, 732
Klimt, Gustav, 163
Korfmann, Manfred, 43
Krenek, Ernst, 722
Labors of Theseus, The (Attic), 556
Labyrinths ("The Immortal") (Borges), 693
LaChiusa, Michael John, 734
Lactantius, 669
Lairesse, Gerard de, 485
Landscape for Philemon and Baucis (Ligare), 702
Lang, Andrew, 736
Laocoôn (Lessing), 684
Latouche, John, 733
Lattimore, Richmond, 30
Lazovsky, Yura, 746
Leave It to Jane (Kern), 730
Leben des Orest (Krenek), 722
Leda and the Swan (Nakian), 702
Lee, Mitch, 734
Lees, Benjamin, 728
le Fèvre, Raoul, 676
Lehrer, Tom, 734
Leipen, N., 162
Leitch, Donovan, 730
Lemon, Ralph, 745
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero, 711

Ibert, Jacques, 745
"Icarus" (Towner), 729
Icarus (Hoving), 746
"Icarus Ascending" (Hackett), 729
Icarus at Night (Gillis), 746
"Icarus, Borne on Wings of Steel" (Kansas), 729
Iconologia (Ripa), 696
Idomeneo, Rè di Creta (Mozart), 748
Idyll (Theocritus), 523
Idylls (Duncan), 736
Ikaros (Akesson), 747
Iliad (Homer), 26, 30, 133-134, 470; Book 1, 119-120,
244, 455; Book 3, 447^50, 456-457; Book 5, 468-469,
533; Book 6, 457^58, 612, 614; Book 9, 459, 467; Book
12, 446; Book 17, 463; Book 18, 461-^63; Book 19, 463,
467, 521; Book 20, 469, 644; Book 21, 469; Book 22,
464; Book 24, 458, 464, 467; teichoskopia, "viewing
from the wall," 447
Iliad, or the Poem of Force, The (Weil), 18
// Matrimonio d'Alceste con Admeto (Monteverdi), 706
// Porno d'Oro (The Golden Apple) (CestI), 706-707
// Re Pastore (Mozart), 709
// Ritorno d'Ulise in Patria (Monteverdi), 706, 748
// Sogno di Scipione (Mozart), 709
Imagines (Philostratus), 696
Imagini degli Dei Antichi, Le (Cartari), 677
Imitations of Horace: the First Epistle of the Second Book of
Horace (Pope), 686
Immortal, The (Borges), 693
Impressions of Greek Mythology (Davis), 730-731
Improvisation on a Theme, An (Musgrave), 723
Inagaki, Hiroshi, 749
Incidental Music for a Scene from Shelley (Barber), 726
Indian Truimph of Dionysus, The (sarcophagus), 276
Inferno (Dante), 350
Introduction to the Singing of Psalm Tunes, The (Tufts),
Ion (Euripides), 551, 554
Iphigenia (Cacoyannis), 752
Iphigénie en Aulide, (Gluck), 708; (Wagner), 708
Iphigénie en Tauride (Gluck), 708
Iphigenia among the Taurians (Euripides), 30
Iphigenia in Aulis (Euripides), 30, 409
Iphigenia in Brooklyn (Schickele), 734
Iphigenia in Tauris (Euripides), 415
Iphigénie auf Tauris (Goethe), 685
Iron Maiden, 729
Isidore of Seville, 670
Isthmian Odes (Pindar), 537, 615
Ito, Teiji, 746
Ivey, Jean Eichelberger, 723

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