Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Lerner, Alan Jay and Frederick Loewe, 731, 748
Lessing, 684
Lester, Eugene, 742
Lester, Richard, 748
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 10, 12-13
Levy, Marvin David, 722
Libation Bearers (Choephoroi) (Aeschylus), 414, 417-420
Liber Ymaginum Deorum (Neckham ["Albricus"]), 695
Lichine, David, 746
Liebe der Danae, Die (Strauss), 713
"Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren" (Schubert), 710
Life and Death of Jason, The (Morris), 588, 689
Ligare, David, 702
LTncoronazione de Poppea (Monteverdi), 706
Lipsius, Justus, 699
Liszt, Franz, 710, 745
Livy, 29, 624, 656-657
Lloyd-Jones, Hugh, 10
Lodis, 118
Loewe, Frederick and Alan Jay Lerner, 731, 748
Lombardo, Stanley, 30
L'Orestie d'Eschyle (Milhaud), 711
L'Orfeide (Malipiero), 711
Love Struck (film), 755
Lowell, Robert, 714
Lucas, George, 756
Lucian, 28, 438-443
Lucrèce (Graham), 742
Lucretius, 453, 636, 673
Ludovisi Mars, 123
Ludovisi Throne, 172
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 707
Lyrical Trilogy (Theodorakis), 712
Lyric poets, 24, 27
"Lysistrata" (Utopia), 729
Machine Infernale, La (Cocteau), 692
Maenad (Brygos painter), 292
Magic Flute (Mozart), 709
Malheurs d'Orphée, Les (Milhaud), 711
Malinowski, Bronislav, 11-12
Malipiero, Gian Francesco, 711
Manilius, 672-673
Mann, Thomas, 713-714
Manon of the Spring, 755
Manoogian, Peter, 755
Manowar, 730
Map of the World (Hecataeus), 585
Marble Faun (Hawthorne), 701
Mariani, Carlo Maria, 702
Marie Christine (LaChiusa), 734
Marlowe, Christopher, 470, 681
Mars and Rhea Silvia (Rubens), 654
Marshall, Emily, 486
Mask of Orpheus, The (Birtwistle), 714
Masque of Pandora, The (Freer), 728
Massenet, Jules, 711
Mather, Cotton, 689
Maze, The (Austin), 722
McCartney, Paul, 729
Medea, (Aleksize), 747; (Elkus), 728; (Euripides), 551,
565, 580, 584-585, 587, 589-600; (Henderson), 728;
(Hjelm), 751; (Jeffers), 588, 692, 751; (film), 752;

(Noverre), 747; (Paolozzi), 586; (film, Pasolini), 751;
(Seneca), 588; (Warner), 30; (Wolf), 18; (Xenakis), 712
Medea, a Sex-War Opera (Druckman), 729
Medea in Corinth (Lees), 728
Medea Leaves Corinth in a Chariot Drawn by Dragons
(Plicoro painter), 587
Médée, (Anouilh), 692; (Cherubini), 709; (Corneille),
683; (Milhaud), 711
Medusa (Hosmer), 511, 701
Mefistofele (Boito), 711
Melkart, 539
"Memnon" (Schubert), 710
Memorabilia (Xenophon), 668
Menaechmi (Plautus), 732
Menotti, Gian Carlo, 715, 726, 741
Mercer, Johnny, 747
Mercury (Bologna), 268
Métamorphose d'Ovid Figurée, La (Salomon), 698
Metamorphoseon sive Transformationum Ovidianarum
Libri Quindecim (Tempestà), 698
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 19-20, 28, 30, 53, 623; Book 1,
80-81, 93-97, 236-238, 297; Book 2, 203-206, 241,
376-377; Book 3, 203-206, 299-300, 40(M01; Book 4,
270-272, 514, 620; Book 6, 164-166, 197, 203, 243, 553;
Book 7, 553, 580-581; Book 8, 559-560, 568; Book 9,
537; Book 10, 176-177, 240, 354-358, 616; Book 11,
243-244; Book 13, 147-150, 152, 472; Book 14, 152,
629; illustrated editions, 698-699
Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass) (Apuleius), 29, 193-197,
Metamorphosis, The (Kafka), 692
Metastasio, 709
Midas Touch, The, (film, Beremenyi), 755; (film,
Manoogian), 755
Midsummer Night's Dream, A, (Shakespeare), 566, 675
Midsummer's Night Dream, A, (film, Reinhardt), 754
Mighty Aphrodite (film, Allen), 755
Mignault, Claude, 696
Miles, Jack, 134
Milhaud, Darius, 711
Milton, John, 681-682
Minotauros (Akesson), 747
Minotaur, The, (Carter), 727; (Taras), 744
"Minotaur, The" (Hyman), 730
Missa Gaia (Earth Mass) (Winter), 731
Mitologiae (Fulgentius), 670-672
Mitridate, Rè di Ponto (Mozart), 709
Moeus, Albert, 722-723
Moirai, The (Aitken), 745
Monteverdi, Claudio, 706, 748
Moraes, Vinicius de, 754
Moreau, Gustave, 89, 385, 524, 700
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 714
Moross, Jerome, 733
Morris, Mark, 746
Morrison, Jim, 729
Morris, William, 588, 689
Mort d'Orphée, La (Berlioz), 711
Morwood, James, 30
Moss, Howard, 727
Mostellaria (Carter), 727
Mother of the Gods, Homeric Hymn to (14), 65
Mourning Athena (Acropolis), 168
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