Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Paean, (Fine), 728; (Pindar), 416
Palinode (Stesichorus), 437
Pallas and the Centaur (Botticelli), 696
Pallas Athena (Klimt), 163
Pallas Athena Weint (Krenek), 722
Pan and Syrinx (Denishawn), 739
Pan, Homeric Hymn to, 299
Pan Pursuing a Goatherd (Pan painter), 298
Paolozzi, Eduardo, 586
Paradise Lost (Milton), 682
Paride ed Elena (Gluck), 708
Parry, Hubert, 736
Partch, Harry, 290, 723-725
Parthenius, 670
Parthenon, 158-161
Pas de Trois (Denishawn), 737
Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 751-753
Pausanias, 28
Peace (Bernstein), 716
"Pegasus" (Allman Brothers Band), 729
Pelissier, Victor, 719
Pénélope (Fauré), 711
Penelope at Her Loom (Attic), 496
Penthesilea (Wolf), 710
Periegesis (Description of Greece) (Pausanias), 28
Peri, Jacopo, 706
Persée (Lully), 707
Persephone, (Graham), 742; (Lemon), 745
Persephone (Stravinsky), 726
Perses, 72
Perseus and Andromeda (Titian), 513
Perseus Attacks the Sea-Monster (Caere), 512
Perseus Beheads Medusa (Selinus), 510
Perseus Series (Burne-Jones), 700
Persians (Shawn), 738
Petrarch, 677, 695-696
Phaedo (Plato), 339
Phaedra, (Britten), 714; (Dassin), 752; (Flindt), 747;
(Graham), 742; (Seneca), 224, 565
Phaedra's Dream (Graham), 742
Phaenomena (Aratus), 672
Phaeton (Lully), 707
Pheanomena (Aratus), 672
Phèdre (Racine), 224, 565, 683
Philemon et Baucis (Gounod), 711
Philoctetes (Carter), 727
"Philoktet" (Schubert), 710
Philomel (Babbit), 721-722
"Philomel" (Rorem), 727
Philostratus, 696
Phi-Phi (Christine), 715
Phoebus Arise (Paine), 720
Phoenician Women, (Euripides), 378, 392, 395, 397, 609;
(Seneca), 395
Phoenix (Austin), 722
Picasso, Pablo, 560, 701-702
Picatrix (Anonymous), 695
Piccini, Noccol'i, 709
Picker, Tobias, 728
Pindar, Isthmian Odes, 537, 615; Nemean Odes, 400, 416,
505, 521-522; Olympian Odes, 404-405, 523-525, 533,
614; Paean, 416; Pythian Odes, 509, 541, 576, 582,

Pinney, Eunice, 465
Pipes of Pan, The (Denishawn), 739
Piramus et Tisbé (Anonymous), 675
Plato, Platonic, Apology, 234; Er, Myth of, 28, 334-339;
Phaedo, 339; The Republic, 334-339; Symposium,
Plautus, Amphitruo, 521, 639, 732; Aulularia, 641;
Menaechmi, 732; Rudens, 635
Plectra and Percussion Dances (Partch), 725
Poetics (Aristotle), 25, 483-484
Pollaiuolo, Antonio de, 238
Porno d'Oro (Cesti), 706-707
Pomone (Cambert), 683
Pope, Alexander, 686-688
Porter, Cole, 732
Poseidon and Amphitrite, an Ocean Fantasy (Paine), 720
Poseidon (Neptune) and Amphitrite with Their Attendants,
(altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus), 150
Poseidon, Homeric Hymn to, 152
"Position of Women at Athens in the Fifth and Fourth
Centuries B.C., The" (Gomme), 18
Poussin, Nicholas, 300, 633-634, 699-700
Praxiteles, 669
Presley, Elvis, 290
Pretty Woman (film), 755
Primavera (Botticelli), 696
Primitive Mysteries (Graham), 740
Printoriccio (Bernardo Betti), 494
Prism (Druckman), 729
Prodicus of Ceos, 540-541
Prodigal, The (Richard), 416
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion (Harrison), 11
Prométhée (Fauré), 711
Prometheus, (Goethe), 685; (Liszt), 710; (Moreau), 89,
700; (Orff), 712
"Prometheus", (Schubert), 710; (Wolf), 710
Prometheus Bound, (Aeschylus), 88-91, 92-93, 517;
(Denishawn), 739
Prometheus Unbound (Shelley), 688
Propp, Vladimir, 13-14
Proserpine (Lully), 707
Protagoras, 131
Protée (Milhaud), 711
Psyché (Franck), 710
Psyche Is Brought to Olympus by Mercury (Raphael), 194
Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), 673, 695
Pugni, Cesare, 745
Purcell, Henry, 707, 746
Pygmalion, (Freed), 728; (Shaw, film), 748
Pygmalion Series (Burne-Jones), 700
Pyramus and Thisbe (Wechtlin), 619
"Pyrrhic Dance" Denishawn, 738
Pythian Apollo, Homeric Hymn to, 246-254
Pythian Odes (Pindar), 509, 541, 576, 582
Quinault, Phillipe, 707
Racine, Jean, 224, 565, 683
Rameau, Jean Philippe, 707
Rape ofEuropa, The, (Selinus), 376; (Titian), 377
Rape ofLucretia, The (Britten), 713-714
Rape of the Sabines, The (film), 749
Raphael, 194, 698
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