Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Rapp, Michael, 730
Recuyell of the Historye of Troye (Caxton), 676
Reid, A., 727
Reinhardt, Max, 754
Relativity of Icarus, The (Arpino), 746
Remedios, Ramon, 731
Renault, Mary, 224
Republic (Plato), 334-339, 335-338
Rescue of Penelope, The (Britten), 713-714
Return of Hephaestus (Lodis), 118
Return of Odysseus, The (Pintoriccio), 494
Revelation in the Courthouse Park (Partch), 290, 716, 724
Revett, 684
Rhesus (Euripides), 30
Ribera, José de, 178
Rice, Edward Everett, 719
Richard,Jack, 416
Richmond, William, 736
Riegger, Wallinford, 742
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 691
Ring des Nibelungen, Der (Wagner), 710
Rinuccini, Ottavio, 706
Ripa, Cesare, 696
Road to Rome (Sherwood), 749
Rodgers, Richard and Lorenz Hart, 732, 747-748
Roma: A Theater Piece in Open Style (Austin), 722
Roman de Troie (Benoât de Ste. Maure), 676
Roman Scandais (film), 749
Romulus and Remus, (Calder), 655; (film), 749
Rorem, Ned, 727
Rose, C. Brian, 43
Rose, H. J., 10
Rosenthal, Laurence, 754
Ross, Herbert, 744
Rossner, Judith, 728
Rubens, Peter Paul, Abduction of Persephone, The, 309;
The Apotheosis of Hercules, 538, 699; Death of Semele,
The, 275; Jason Takes the Golden Fleece, 581; Mars and
Rhea Silvia, 654
Ruby, Harry (Harold), 732
Rudens (Plautus), 635
Russo, William, 730
Rzewski, Frederic, 728
Sacchini, Antonio, 709
Sack of Troy, The (Kleophrades painter), 476
Sacred Scripture, The (Euhemerus), 669-670
Salomon, Bernard, 698
Sandys, George, 679-681, 698-699
Sannazaro, 678
Sappho of Lesbos, 17, 22, 197-198
Sartre, Jean Paul, 416
Satie, 740
Saturn Devouring One of His Children (Goya), 62
Sauguet, Henri, 746
Savery, Salomon, 698-699
Scarron, Paul, 683
Schickele, Peter (P.D.Q. Bach), 734
Schiller, Friedrich, 684
Schliemann, Heinrich, 39, 43
Schônberg, Arnold, 744
Schone Galathée, Die (The Beautiful Galatea) (Suppé),

Schubert, Franz, 710
Schuman, William, 729, 741
Schwartz, Jean, 719
Scott, Cyril, 740
Segal, Erich, 734
Selene, Homeric Hymn to, 58
Semele (Handel), 708
Seneca, Medea, 588; Phaedra, 224, 565; Phoenician
Women, 395; Thyestes, 407
Serenade, (Bernstein), 715; (Herbert), 730
Serse (Handel), 708
Seven against Thebes (Aeschylus), 396-397
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (film, Donen), 747
Seven Choruses from the Medea of Euripides (Thomson), 727
Seven Paces of Dr. Lao (film), 754
Shakespeare, William, 359, 566, 675-676, 681, 732
Shaw, Bernard, 748
Shawn, Ted. see Denishawn
Shay, Jonathan, 470
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 688
Sherwood, Robert, 749
She's All That (film), 755-756
Shevelove, Burt, 733
Shifrin, Seymour, 728
Sidney, George, 749
Sikelianos, Eva, 738
Six Metamorphoses after Ovid (Britten), 713-714
Sky-map of the Northern Hemisphere (Durer), 697
Smibert, John, 701
Soaring (Denishawn), 737
Sobbin Women (Benet), 747
Socrates, Socratic, 190-191, 334-335
Solis, Vergilio, 698
Somnium Scipionis, (Cicero), 709; (Mozart), 709
Sondheim, Stephen, 732-733
Song of Lamentation (Nanie) (Brahms), 710
Song of the Fates (Gesang der Parzen) (Brahms), 710
Song of Ullikumis, 103
Songs for Achilles (Tippet), 714
Songs for the Harpsichord or Forte Piano (Hopkinson),
Sonnets to Orpheus (Rilke), 691
Sophists, 667-668
Sophocles' King Oedipus (Partch), 724
Sophocles, Sophoclean, 24-25; Ajax, 472; Antigone, 30,
132, 395; Electra, 30, 414, 420-127; Oedipus at Colonus,
387-392, 566; Oedipus the King, 30; Oedipus Tyrannus,
382-383, 385, 386-387, 401-402; Trachiniae, 522, 534,
536, 540
Spenser, Edmund, 575, 682
Sphinx, The (Lichine), 746
Spring: Orpheus and Eurydice (Delacroix), 355
Starer, Robert, Phaedra (Graham), 742
"Star-Spangled Banner, The," 720
Statius, Achilleid, 451; Thebaid, 29, 396, 398, 565, 577
St. Augustine, 669-670, 673
St. Denis, Ruth, see Denishawn
Stesichorus, 437
Stheneboea (Euripides), 615
Stone Medusa, The (Elis), 747
Stowell, Kent, 745
Strauss, Richard, 712-713, 748
Stravinsky, Igor, 359, 726, 742, 744
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