Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Streit zwischen Phoebus und Pan, Der (Cantata 201)
(Bach), 707
Stuart and Revett, 684
Stuart, George, 690-691
"Stupid Cupid" (Francis), 730
Sturiale, Grant, 732
Suite from Alcest (Graham), 741
Suite of the Gods, A (Wakeman and Remedios), 731
Sullivan, Arthur and W.S. Gilbert, 715
Superman (film), 755
Suppé, Franz von, 714-715
Suppliants (Aeschylus), 736
Suppliant Women, The (Euripides), 395, 565, 566
Supplices (Aeschylus), 517
Supreme Son of Cronus, Homeric Hymn to, 126
"Swimmer, The" (Cheever), 691
Symposium (Plato), 186-189, 190-191, 192
Syringa (Carter), 726-727
Sysyfos (Akesson), 747
Szymanowski, Karol, 712

"Tales of Brave Ulysses" (Cream), 730
Talma, Louise Juliette, 723
Tanagra (Graham), 740
Taneiev, Sergei Ivanovich, 711
Tanglewood Tales (Hawthorne), 588, 690
Tannhaiiser (Wagner), 710
Tantalus: An Ancient Myth for a New Millenium
(Barton), 416
Taras, John, 744
Tarquin (Krenek), 722
Tate, Nahum, 707
Taylor, Don
Ted and Venus (film, Cort), 755
teichoskopia, 447-450
Télémaque (Fénelon), 683
Telson, Bob, 734, 748
Tempestà, Antonio, 698
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 681
Temple of Minerva, The (Hopkinson), 717-719
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, Ulysses, 689
Teseida (Theseid) (Boccaccio), 677
Testament d'Orphée, Le (film, Cocteau), 754
Tetrabiblos (Ptolemy), 673
Thebaid (Statius), 29, 396, 398, 565, 577
Thébaide, La (Racine), 683
Themis (Harrison), 11
Theocritus, 523, 736
Theodorakis, Mikis, 712
Theogony (Hesiod), 26, 30, 51, 72-74, 560; (116-125),
52-53; (126-155), 54; (156-206), 61; (453-506), 62; (507-
616), 83-86; (678-721), 76; (820-880), 79-80; (886-898),
"Theomachies," 468^69
Thésée (Lully), 707
Theseus and Amphitrite, (Euphronios), 559; (Onesimos),
Thespis (Gilbert and Sullivan), 715
Thompson, Julian, 732
Thomson, Virgil, 727
Thoughts on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and
Sculpture (Winckelmann), 684
"Three Fates, The" (Emerson), 729

Three Graces (Duncan), 736
Three Stooges Meet Hercules, The (film), 750
Thucydides, 545
Thulden, T. van, 542
Thyestes (Seneca), 407
Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico, 474
Tiger at the Gates (Fry), 693
Time Bandits (film), 754-755
Tinted Venus, The (Annstey)., 748
Tippett, Michael, 714, 748
Tirse e Clori (Monteverdi), 706
Titian, 377, 513
To Each His Minotaur (Yourcenar), 693
Tourtelot, Madeline, 725
Tower of Brass, The (Burne-Jones), 700
Towner, Ralph, 729
Townshend, Peter, 730
Trachiniae (Sophocles), 522, 534, 536, 540
Tragic Patterns (Graham), 742
Transformations of Medusa, The (Erdman), 746
Troilus and Cressida, (Shakespeare), 676; (Walton), 714
Troilus and Criseyde (Chaucer), 676
Trojan War Will Not Take Place, The (Giraudoux), 693
Trojan Women (Euripides), 477
Trojan Women, The, (film, Cacoyannis), 752; (Garwood),
Troy ens, Les (Berlioz), 711, 748
Tudor, Antony, 745
Tufts, Rev. John, 716
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 681
Tyrone Guthrie, 752
Tzavellas, George, 753
Ullikumis, Song of, 103
Ulysses (film), 749; Qoyce), 692; (Tennyson), 689
Ulysses at the Edge (Partch), 725
Ulysses' Bow (Harbison), 744
Ulysses, the Greek Suite (Rapp), 730
Underworld, The (Underworld painter), 332
Up and Down Broadway (Schwartz), 719
"Uranien's Flucht" (Schubert), 710
Ussachevsky, Vladimir, 722
Utopia, 729
Valerius Flaccus, 29, 577, 588
Vanderlyn, John, 701
Vatican Stanza della Segnatura (Raphael), 698
"Vatican Vergil" manuscript, 694
Vega, Suzanne, 730
Veloso, Caetano, 754
Ventris, Michael, 42
"Venus" (Avalon), 730
Venus and Adonis (Blow), 707; (Shakespeare), 681
Venus and Anchises (Carracci), 181
Venus and Mars (Botticelli), 696
Venus and Mars Rock Show (McCartney), 730
Venus de Milo, 172-173
Venus Discovering the Dead Adonis (follower of Ribera),
Venus Drawn by Doves (unknown), 60
"Venus in Blue Jeans" (Clayton), 730
Vergil, 350. See also Aeneid
Vergilius Romanus (Anonymous), 694
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