Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


radicalism* (RAD i kil IZ im) n. 1. the quality or state of being extreme, espe-
cially in political matters; 2. extreme in principles, ideas, methods, etc.

  • Senator Brown’s penchant for radicalismbrought him the admiration of his
    friends and the distrust of his enemies.

  • The surgeon’s reputation for radicalismmade his patients think twice
    before assenting to go under the knife.
    rancorously(RAN kir uhs lee) adv. maliciously; spitefully; with continuous bit-
    ter ill will or hatred

  • The argument continued rancorouslyas each side showed its contempt for
    the other.

  • Peter treated double-parkers rancorouslyby letting the air out of their tires.
    [rancorous adj.]
    raucous (RAW kuhs) adj. 1. hoarse; rough sounding; 2. loud and bawdy

  • The revelers had a raucousgood time as they partied the night away.

  • Gerald had a raucouslaugh that reminded the average bystander of how a
    grizzly bear might laugh.
    [-ly adv., -ness n.]
    reaction*(ree AK shin) n. 1. an opposing action or force; 2. a response to a
    stimulus; 3. a moving backward to an earlier time’s condition or way of doing
    things; extreme conservatism

  • Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal
    and opposite reaction.

  • When suddenly poked, it is a natural reactionto jump.

  • The forces of reactionwould move the country back to horse-and-buggy
    reactionary(ree AK shin ER ee) adj. characteristic of or advocating definition 3
    of reaction—n.one who advocates same

  • Reactionaryforces wish to return the country’s economy to the gold

  • The political opposite of a radical is a reactionary.
    [reactionaries pl.]
    rebellious(ri BEL yis) adj. 1. resisting authority; engaged in armed resistance
    against the government; 2. of or like rebels; 3. opposing all control; defiant; 4.
    difficult to treat

  • There is usually one rebelliousgroup or another trying to overthrow a
    government in Central America.

  • Teenagers frequently become rebelliousagainst parental authority around
    age 17.

  • Dan struggled with a very rebelliouscowlick of hair.
    [-ly adv., -ness n.]


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