R: SAT Words 197
rebuff (ri BUF) vt. 1. to snub; bluntly reject; 2. to check or turn back (an
advance) —n. a snubbing; an abrupt refusal of advice, help, etc.
- Management’s offer of a 2% raise was rebuffedby the union’s
representatives. - Marilyn rebuffedJoe’s attempt to get back together.
- Liz’s attempt to get the floor refinishers back to fix the flaws in their work
was met with a rebuff.
[-ed, -ing]
recklessness (REK lis NIS) n. 1. foolhardiness; carelessness; 2. rashness; disre-
gard for consequences - Paul’s mom was nervous about his going skiing—especially because he had
a history of recklessness. - What appears to be recklessnesson the part of professional daredevils has
usually been very carefully planned out so as to avoid injury.
[reckless adj., recklessly adv.]
reconcile(REK in SYL) vt. 1. make consistent; 2. become friendly again; 3. to
settle - At least once a month, everyone should reconcilehis or her checkbook to
make sure that what is in the account jibes with what the book shows. - Jan and Mary reconciledtheir differences over who should have brought the
watermelon to the picnic. - The divorced couple reconciledfor the sake of the children.
[-d*, reconciling, reconciliation n.]
Quick Review #70.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
- radicalism
- rancorously
- raucous
- reaction
- reactionary
- rebellious
- rebuff
- recklessness
- reconcile
a. extremism
b. response
c. defiant
d. conservative
e. carelessness
f. snub
g. settle
h. maliciously
i. noisy