Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read or recall the story of “The Three Little Pigs” and then answer the questions
below. Write “yes” on the blank if the sentence is something you can infer from the
story. Write “no” if it is not.

  1. The wolf has bad breath. _____

  2. One little pig makes a house out of straw. _____

  3. Another little piggy uses sticks to build his house. ___

  4. The wisest piggy likes to read architecture books. __

  5. The wolf is hungry. ___

  6. The best-built house is brick. ____

  7. The story takes place in July. _____

  8. One piggy saves the other two. __

  9. The wolf recently had an encounter with Little Red Riding Hood. _____

  10. The wolf frightens the pigs. ___

  11. The piggy with the straw house bought his furniture on sale. ____

  12. The wolf was sorry he had a taste for pork. _____

  13. Mr. Goat watched the wolf blow down the stick house and said nothing. _____

  14. The wolf was heard saying, “Little pig, little pig, let me in or I’ll huff, and puff, and
    blow your house down!” __

  15. The wolf should get a job blowing up balloons at the circus. _____

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