Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Bibliography 113

Condon, Charles J. “How to Avoid the Unauthorized Practice of Law at the Reference Desk.”
Legal Reference Services Quarterly 19, no. 1/2 (2001): 165–79. Discusses the role of law
librarians as information providers.
“Core Competencies for Business Reference.”
corecompetencies/corecompetenciesbusiness/. Describes the ten core competencies
guides developed and maintained by the Education Committee of the Business
Reference and Services Section of RUSA.
Dervin, Brenda, and Patricia Dewdney. “Neutral Questioning: A New Approach to the
Reference Interview.” Reference Quarterly 25, no. 4 (1986): 506–13. Looks at a
reference interview strategy based on sense-making methodology in which a question
is approached from the patron’s, rather than the librarian’s, point of view.
Dewdney, Patricia, and Gillian Michell. “Oranges and Peaches: Understanding
Communication Accidents in the Reference Interview.” Reference Quarterly 35,
no. 4 (1996): 520–36. A linguistic analysis of “ill-formed” questions that result in
communication accidents at the reference desk.
Dewdney, Patricia, and Catherine Sheldrick Ross. “Flying a Light Aircraft: Reference Service
Evaluation from a User’s Viewpoint.” Reference Quarterly 34, no. 2 (1994): 217–30.
When MLIS students reported on their experiences asking reference questions in a
library, an analysis of their accounts revealed areas for improvement and suggested
appropriate remedies.
Dilevko, Juris, and Elizabeth Dolan. “Reference Work and the Value of Reading Newspapers:
An Unobtrusive Study of Telephone Reference Service.” Reference and User Services
Quarterly 39, no. 1 (1994): 71–81. Discusses the importance of keeping up with
current issues and emerging trends by regular perusal of newspapers and periodicals.
Easley, Janet. “Reference Service Policies.” Reference Services Review 13, no. 2 (1985): 79–82.
Presents five arguments for instituting a policy for reference services.
East, John W. “The Rolls Royce of the Library Reference Collection: The Subject
Encyclopedia in the Age of Wikipedia.” Reference and User Services Quarterly 50, no. 2
(2010): 162–69. Reviews the development of the subject encyclopedia and reflects on
its future as a reference source.
Fagan, Jody Condit, and Christina M. Desai. “Communication Strategies for Instant
Messaging and Chat Reference Services.” Reference Librarian 38, no. 79/80 (2003):
121–55. Analyzes online reference conversations in order to demonstrate how online
skills can substitute for the nonverbal cues found in face-to-face reference interviews.
Fisher, Donna M. “The Importance of Being Ear-Nest.” Information Outlook 9, no. 10 (2005):

  1. Emphasizes the importance of listening in reference work.
    Garnett, Emily. “Reference Service by Telephone.” Library Journal 61, no. 21 (December 1,
    1936): 909–11. One of the earliest, if not the earliest, articles on telephone reference
    in library literature.
    Gifford, Florence M. “Telephone Reference Services.” Wilson Library Bulletin 17, no. 8 (April
    1943): 630–32. Advice on providing telephone reference service circa 1943 still rings true.

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