An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-90 ★ INDEX

Catt, Carrie Chapman (1859–1947), 677
cattle drives, 617, 629
Caucasian Race–Equal Privileges resolu-
tion, 887
Cayugas, 1098
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), 825,
846, 850, 876
censorship, 798
anticommunism and, 930–31
Hollywood and, 796
sex and, 796, 798
census, federal, 759, 1094, 1098
Census Bureau, 605
CENTO, 916
Central America, 865, 1066, 1067 , 1073
immigrants from, 1091, 1092, 1094
Theodore Roosevelt’s policies in, 737–38
Central High School, Ark., segregation at,
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 910,
963–64, 964 , 1038, 1043, 1106, 1118,
1119–20, 1121
Bay of Pigs Invasion and, 990
support of arts by, 918
Central Powers (World War I), 742
Cermak, Anton (1873–1933), 812
Challenge to Liberty, The (Hoover), 840
Chamberlain, Neville (1869–1940), 866
Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 840
Chambers, Whittaker (1901–1961), 929
Chaney, James (1943–1964), 993
Chaplin, Charlie (1889–1977), 783
Charleston, S.C., 1152
Charleston (dance), 788
Chase Manhattan Bank, 906
Chavez, César (1927–1993), 1018, 1092
Chavez Ravine, 951
Checkers speech, 958
Cheney, Dick (1941–), 1074, 1103, 1114,
Cherokees, Eastern Band, 1099
Chevrolet, 947
Chevrolet Corvair, 1021
Cheyennes, 621, 624, 625
Chicago, Ill., 719–20, 808 , 1046, 1087, 1110
African-Americans in, 807, 951
alleged voter fraud in, 980
in Great Depression, 812
Haymarket affair in, 644–46
immigrants to, 697–98
“lyrical left” in, 712
manufacturing in, 606
1968 Democratic convention in, 1026

capitalism (continued)
Ronald Reagan and, 1058
Socialist Party vs., 729, 853
as “welfare capitalism,” 786
Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman), 955
“captains of industry,” 609–11
Caribbean, 740 , 761, 897, 997, 1066, 1067
immigrants from, 1091, 1094
U.S. troops in, 737
see also West Indies
Carlisle, 628
Carmichael, Stokely (1941–1998), 1001
Carnegie, Andrew (1835–1919), 609, 649
carpetbaggers, 592–93
Carranza, Venustiano, 742
Carson, Rachel (1907–1964), 1003, 1020
Carswell, G. Harold (1920–1992), 1033
Carter, Jimmy (1924–), 739, 1048, 1057,
economic crisis and, 1048–49
in election of 1980, 1058
human rights and, 1049–50, 1053, 1066
Iran hostage crisis and, 1050–52
Nobel Peace Prize of, 1058
Carter administration, 1048–52, 1051 ,
1057, 1066
Carter Doctrine, 1051
Caruso, Enrico (1873–1921), 783
Casey, William (1913–1987), 1066
Casey v. Planned Parenthood of Pennsylva-
nia, 1100–1101
casinos, gambling, Native Americans and,
Castillo Armas, Carlos (1914–1957), 964
Castro, Fidel (1926–), 990
Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), 966
Catholic Holy Name Society, 807
Catholics, Catholicism, 631, 644, 657,
664, 684, 703, 796, 799, 810–11, 841,
953–54, 1026
and abortion, 1017, 1027, 1055
and Americanization, 807
anticommunism of, 932
counterculture and, 1013
in FDR administration, 852
immigrants and, 699
JFK as, 979, 1121
John Kerry as, 1121
Ku Klux Klan and, 803
in 1960 campaign, 979
Paul D. Ryan and, 1149
prejudice against, 806, 1125
in Vietnam, 965

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