An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-120 ★ INDEX

Ohio, 1148
Supreme Court of, 1014
oil, 609–11, 617, 730, 736, 782, 785, 795,
834, 869, 875, 945, 963, 964, 1048,
1060, 1062, 1111
Arab embargo on, 1044
BP Gulf of Mexico spill, 1137
Cold War and, 909, 910
environment and, 1020
Gulf War and, 1073
G. W. Bush and, 1110
highways and, 947, 960
Japan and U.S., 866, 868
-producing regions, 795, 1115
and Teapot Dome scandal, 791
see also Standard Oil Company
Oklahoma, 621, 625, 626, 1098
in Dust Bowl, 827
Indians removed to, 621
population of, 694
socialism in, 706
Oklahoma City, Okla., terrorist attack in,
771, 1101–2
Old Left, 1003
Old South, 1142
Olney, Richard (1835–1917), 656
Olympic Games, 1026, 1051
O’Neill, John, 705
“one percent, the”, power of, 1140
One World (Willkie), 896, 916
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 635
On the Road (Kerouac), 967
On the Town, 892
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries), 1045
Open Door policy, 683
Open Housing Act (1968), 1025
Operation Desert Storm, 1074
Operation Dixie, 922, 923
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 1116
see also Iraq War
Operation Wetback, 934
Orangeburg, S.C., 986
Orange County, Calif., 972, 995, 1087
oranges, 944
Oregon, 621, 802, 807, 818, 820, 1006
Ku Klux Klan in, 803
woman suffrage in, 717
women’s rights in, 723
Oregon System, 717
Oregon Trail, 621
Organization Man, The (White), 966
Organization of Afro American Unity,

North Korea, 914, 1113, 1153
creation of, 914
North Vietnam, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1024,
1038, 1039
NOW, see National Organization for Women
NRA, see National Recovery Administration
NRPB, see National Resources Planning
NSC-68, 914
nuclear energy, 1049
nuclear weapons, 961, 1050, 1065, 1068,
1113, 1114, 1115, 1153
cessation of tests of, 962, 991
proposed international control of, 926
Reagan and, 1065
tests of, 927, 928
U.S. arsenal of, 961
U.S.-Soviet treaty on, 991
see also atomic bomb; hydrogen bomb;
Nuremberg, Nazi trials at, 920
Nye, Gerald P. (1892–1971), 866

Oakland, Calif., 1002
Oakley, Annie, 629
Obama, Barack (1961–), 1136–50, 1137
campaign spending of, 1150
diplomatic relations with Cuba resumed
by, 1145–46
first term of, 1141–46
foreign policy of, 1144–46
health-care law and, 1149
Iraq War end and, 1144
and Osama bin Laden’s death, 1145,
in 2008 election and campaign, 1109–10,
Obama administration, 1123, 1136–40
and Afghanistan, 1145, 1149
Snowden and, 1147
and Taliban, 1145
2008 financial crisis and, 1085
Obamacare, opposition to, 1149
Obergfell v. Hodges, 1126, 1130
Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-
tration, 1032
Occupy Movement, 1140
O’Connor, Sandra Day (1930–), 1065, 1126,
Office of Economic Opportunity, 998, 1032
Office of Price Administration, 873
Office of War Information (OWI), 864 ,
877–78, 878 , 879, 884, 886
Oglesby, Carl (1935–), 1009

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