An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-139

at Versailles, 771–72
war message to Congress of, 756
woman suffrage and, 750–51
World War I and, 744, 746, 866
Wilson administration, 748, 750, 753, 765,
770, 866, 884
Wilsonism, 777
Winnipeg, 768
Winthrop, John (1588–1649), 1009
Wirz, Henry (1823–1865), 581
Wisconsin, 717, 794, 794 , 928, 930, 936,
994, 1148
Wisconsin, University of, 718
Wisconsin Idea, 717
Wolfe, Tom (1931–), 1037
Wolfowitz, Paul D. (1943–), 1114
Woman Rebel, 714
woman suffrage, 717
women, 692, 966
advertising and, 789 , 880
affirmative action and, 1037
African-American, 661, 662–63, 700,
761, 894
changing role of, 700–701, 787–89, 879
and Civil War, 750
in Clinton administration, 1076
education and, 720, 723, 750
freedom and, 700, 710, 712, 787–89,
789 , 879
in Great Plains, 616
Great Society and, 851
as immigrants, 1091
in kitchen debate, 941
Knights of Labor and, 640
labor and, 640
maternalist reform and, 722–24, 787, 837
middle class, 966
minimum wage and, 791, 830
New Deal and, 845–46
politics and, 720, 721–22, 721
in Populist Party, 655
in Progressive era, 751–52
rights of, 1150, 1151
right to vote for Japanese, 912
rise of feminism and, 676–77
and traditional homemaker role, 941,
949–50, 950 , 981, 1054, 1100
voting rights for, 717
and wages, 676, 761, 879, 1015, 1100
in the work force, 612, 640, 700–701,
700 , 710, 712, 717, 719–20, 862, 879,
949–50, 1037, 1064 , 1065, 1100
working hours and, 723–24, 761

What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
(Sumner), 636
What the Negro Wants, 889
wheat, 615
Wheeling, W.Va., McCarthy speech at, 930,
Whig Party, 597, 646
Whiskey Ring, 595, 630
White, Horace (1834–1916), 637
White, John, 753
White, Theodore (1915–1986), 1030–31
White, Walter (1893–1955), 850
White, William Allen (1868–1944), 867
white-collar jobs:
corporations and, 943
minorities and, 952
“white man’s burden,” 684, 687, 688
Whitman, Walt (1819–1892), 613, 828
Whitney, Anita (1867–1955), 798
Whitney, Richard (1888–1974), 813
Whom Shall We Welcome?, 934
Whyte, William (1917–1999), 966
Wichita, Kans., 617
wildcat strikes, 960
Wilder, L. Douglas (b. 1931), 592
Wilderness Act, 1060–61
Wild West, myth vs. reality of, 628–29
Wilhelm II, emperor of Germany (1859–
1941), 746, 750
Willard, Frances (1839–1898), 677
Willkie, Wendell (1892–1944), 867–68, 896,
Willow Run factory, 947
Wilson, Charles (1890–1961), 959
Wilson, Edith (1872–1961), 776
Wilson, Edmund (1895–1972), 780
Wilson, Henry, in election of 1868, 585
Wilson, Huntington, 794
Wilson, Woodrow (1856–1924), 704, 725,
729–32, 739–40, 763 , 769, 771–75,
African-Americans and, 762, 764–65
civil liberties and, 752
Debs and, 753
first term of, 731
foreign policy of, 736, 740–41
Fourteen Points and, 745–46
immigrants and, 758, 760
and League of Nations, 776
Mexican policy of, 741–42
New Freedom of, 730–31
Soviet Union and, 768
stroke of, 776

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