An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-140 ★ INDEX

Hoover’s relief program in, 810
idealism and, 787
immigration and, 661, 765, 863
Jeanette Rankin and, 750, 869
Meuse-Argonne campaign in, 746
mobilization in, 862
Nye and, 866
patriotism in, 753–55
Progressives and, 746–52
propaganda in, 748
revolutions and, 768
technology in, 742
U.S. and, 734–78
U.S. view of, 737, 743
western front, 745
Wilson and, 756
woman suffrage and, 750–51
women and, 743
World War II, 699, 748, 820, 822, 861–904,
864 , 872 , 884, 896 , 916, 925 , 957,
1082, 1115 , 1117
African-Americans and, 863, 884, 886,
887, 893–98, 896 , 969
British welfare state and, 837
casualties in, 869, 872, 898, 899, 908
causes of, 865–66
civil rights and, 863, 887, 969, 974
effects of, 902–3, 908
European theater of, 872, 872
freedom and, 863, 864 , 877–78, 903
as Good War, 876
“Grand Alliance” of, 870–71
Great Depression and, 859
home front during, 873–80, 875
industry and, 873–75, 878–80
Japanese-Americans and, 863, 890–93,
972, 1118, 1119
Pearl Harbor and, 868–69
and post-war freedom, 880–84
Rosenbergs and, 930
unions in, 875–76
U.S. entry into, 858, 869
women and, 863, 879
see also Four Freedoms
Wounded Knee Creek, Indian massacre
at, 627
Wright, Jonathan (1840–1887), 592
WTO see World Trade Organization
Wyoming, 1045
woman suffrage in, 721
Yellowstone in, 726–27
Wyoming territory, woman suffrage in, 588

women (continued)
and World War I, 743
and World War II, 862, 863, 879
see also gender relations; women’s rights
Women and Economics (Gilman), 710, 712
Women and Economics (Perkins), 700
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
(WCTU), 643, 676–77
Home Protection movement of, 677
Women’s Party, 1054
women’s rights, 662–63, 676–77, 717,
787–89, 912, 984, 1014–16, 1016 ,
1018–19, 1026–28, 1137
and education, 720, 723, 750
Latinos and, 1018–19
post-World War II, 950
in Progressive era, 712, 721–24
Prohibition and, 751–52
Reconstruction and, 585, 587–88
sex and, 712–13, 787–89
and suffrage, 585, 588, 589 , 655, 670,
677, 693, 712, 717, 720–22, 723 , 744,
750–51, 787, 791
see also abortion; gender relations;
Women’s Studies, 1099
Women’s Trade Union League, 692, 788
Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The (Baum), 658
Wong, Anna May, 671
Woodstock, 1013
Woolworth’s, sit-in at, 983–84
Workingman’s Conception of Industrial
Liberty, The (J.P. Mitchell), 711
workmen’s compensation, 724, 730
Works Progress Administration (WPA),
836–37, 844, 876
World Bank, 901, 908, 1081
World Series, 725
World Trade Center, 1046, 1105, 1106,
World Trade Organization (WTO), 1080,
1081, 1089
World War I, 742–55, 754 , 773 , 786, 792,
795, 797, 803, 806, 807, 815, 824,
878, 1147
African-Americans and, 764, 893
agriculture in, 784
casualties in, 742, 746
causes of, 742
divisiveness of, 877
effects of, 776–77, 795, 882
freedom and, 748–50, 752

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